
I have had a shooting pain in my left breast for a several months now. I thought it was to do with my menstrual cycle so didn’t think much about it until it started to get more frequent. I went to see my GP and she examined me and found nothing to concern her but referred me to the breats clininc anyway because of the pain being in just one breast. I waited two weeks and my appointment was yesterday. In the meantime I changed my bra and the pain has all but disappeared. I was wearing a bra which was too small.

I saw a surgeon first off and she examined me and also say she could see or feel nothign to cause alarm and I was to have a mammogram and if that was fine, I was to be discharged. I had the mammogram, sat down and waited to be sent home. Then I was called in for an ultrasound and the nurse questioned why I wasn;t down for one when it was standard procedure to do one after the mammogram. So she tapped my details intot he computer and said ‘We’ll do one anyway’. The doctor came in and said he’d seen my mammogram and because I have very dense breast tissue, he wanted to just double check all was ok before I was discharged. It was shortly after he found a ‘small mass’ in my left breast, when I was getting the shooting pains. He straight away said ‘this looks like a fibroid’ and said I could have had it since being a teenager (I am 45!!) but said he wanted to do an aspiration in case it was a fluid filled cyst. He did this and it was solid so then said he had to do a biposy just to make sure all was ok. he said he was 80% sure it was a fibroid but couldn’t discharge me without doing the biopsy. I then had a local and four incisions and four biopsies. It was very shocking and traumatic and I started shaking and crying and just thinking ‘bloody hell, five minutes ago I was being discharged, now they’ve actually found something’. It was surreal. I am a but sore and there is a lot of bruising starting to form and I have been given an appointment for two weeks time to get my results. I feel so frightened. I’ve convinced myself that this is it, I am about to die and leave my two girls without a mummy. I know it’s only natural to worry but I can;t stop thinking about it and can’t stop bursting into tear and wondering around the house looking at photos, sobbing and generally wailing like a banshee. Has anyone else had a similar experience? XXX

Dear angelteejay

Welcome to the forum.  I’m sorry you are going through such a worrying time.  I’m sure other members will soon be along to offer you some support.

You might also find it helpful to talk things over with one of our Helpliners.  They’ll be able to offer you practical information and emotional support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Angelteejay, It’s natural that you are feeling worried sick at the moment and I wish I could help take that worry away. It is agonising waiting for those two weeks to come but it doesn’t mean it is going to be bad news. I wish you all the very best and hope its “nothing” and can be sorted so you can get on with your life. If it means you have to have any form of treatment you will get lots and lots of support from the lovely ladies here. I truly hope everything works out well for you xxx Lynda

Good luck with your results in 5 days … I have 4 days left to wait … I found a lump and they found suspicious thickening in my lymp nodes so I am preparing for the worse ! The only thing that gives me encouragement is the fact that all the ladies on this forum are so informative and are still here after treatment … Praying for good news for you but if not you can and will deal with what is thrown at you xx good luck

Thank you Cocolily. You are right, the support out there is amazing and that gives you strength to get through. I’m wishing you all the luck in the world for Wednesday. Xxx

Hi I’m guessing you’ve had your reaults by now ? Hope all is okx

Thinking of you today Angelteejay. Remember not everyone gets bad news so I sincerely hope you get good news today x good luck

Thank you. My appointment is at 10.15. Feel sick with nerves xx

I got the all-clear. I have a double fibrowhateverit’scalled joined by a stalk but it’s totally benign and because I have dense breast tissue, was undetecatble but probably there for a very long time. Yearly screenings, that’s all. I am extremely relieved but aware that not all others get good news so I’m thinking of everyone out there who hasn’t been as lucky as me. XXX

Pleased for you xxx