Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice please as I think I may be reading too much into it. I went the Drs 6 weeks ago with a cyst like lump in my right arm pit. My right breast was tender to the touch. The dr examined me and at first said that she thought that I had a cyst in my arm pit which had gotten infected and the infection went out into my Breast. I was given antibiotics. The pain was still there so went back after two weeks. I was examined again, it was said that the infection had not quite cleared and she thought that it was a breast mouse. I went back after another two weeks for a check up and the breast mouse was still there so I was referred to the breast clinic. To shorten the tale a bit, I had a scan which was clear in both breasts, the physical examination revealed no lumps at all but the consultant is sending me for an mri because of puckering on my LEFT breast! Without sounding like a drama queen I can eat or sleep st the moment worrying. Can someone please let me know if somethings similar has happened to them or am I completely overreacting
Sounds like the Consultant is just playing safe,some types of breast cancer(lobular ) can’t be seen easily on ultrasound/mammogram so if you have symptoms they can’t explain they will want to rules it out.Horrible anxious time ,keeping everything crossed for you .Jill
Hiya love, your not over reacting, anything that is under investigation is going to send our minds in to over drive, The good thing is nothing untoward has shown up so far and an MRI is an added precaution and if there is something there then the sooner it’s found the better,I know how frightening this uncertainty is but try and tell yourself that you have not been diagnosed with anything so not to panic Xx Jo
Thank you Jo and Jill for replying. The sensible part of me knows that it is just a precaution and will more than likely come to a happy conclusion but then the other part is going crazy trying to stay calm with a lot of what ifs ?