Found out on the 23rd that I had BC and to begin with felt like most people very shocked and then angry as I went to the doctors a year ago with a large lump and was told that I should learn to check myself properly and that the lump was not a lump but a fat mass now been told that it is tissue reaction to the cancer. I am positive but hate the thought of losing by breast even though i know it will save my life did i make the decision to fast because at the time just wanted rid of the cancer. My op is due on the 11th dec …can anyone tell me what happens if I am on my period because they come when they please and i so irregular.
Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care chat forums. I am sure you will get lots of help and advice from the many informed users of this site. You may also find Breast Cancer Care resource pack helpful which has been designed for those newly diagnosed. The pack is free of charge as are all our publications. If you would like a copy just follow the link below: If you need to talk to someone in confidence then please give the helpline a call, the staff here are all either breast care nurses or people who have personal experience of breast care issues. The number to call is 0808 800 6000 the lines open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and Saturdays 9am - 2pm. I hope this is of some help to you.
Kind regards
Breast Cancer Care
I had a period when I was in hospital. As far as I can remember it made no difference to my treatment. I did complain to my consultant about it and he said it’s a common reaction to stress (mine wasn’t due)
hey ho
I wondered too whether I had agreed too readily to a mastectomy. When I got the results of my surgery and found I’d had a grade 3 cancer (most agressive) and it had spread to my lymph nodes, I realised that the surgeon had been right to recommend a mastectomy.
Having said that it’s not something to undertake lightly, I’ve found there are long term implications I didn’t realise at the time. I think you can only go on what your medical team advise.
I’ve found as time has gone on I’ve got more angry over the side effects of all the treatment than the cancer itself. Irrational maybe, but the cancer is only a possibility at the moment (ie the possibility of a recurrence) whereas living with the side effects is a daily reality.
Sorry to sound so jaded, but I feel that the doctors see their job as just getting rid of the cancer without considering the long term consequences of the procedures. I’m not saying I would have refused any treatment, but I wish someone had talked me through all the side effects properly and would take my concerns seriously now when something is making life uncomfortable.
With you 100% on all your points, truth is we’ll never know whether it was the right decision or not. Most of us are at the mercy of our sugeons’ “school of thought”.
As someone who was refused (in contravention of NICE guidelines) a mammogram 4 months before Grade 3 diagnosis, angry doesn’t begin to describe it.
Thank you all for your advice really good to have someone who is going through the same experiance to share things with.
Monkeyface xx
I have read your other thread about your partner being angry and a bit of a ‘git’. I feel an enormous wave of sympathy for you as you have enough to put up with and digest and no doubt could do with support. But I wonder whether your partner is reflecting your anger that you feel and possibly does not know how to deal with it. It may be an idea to try to find quality time for you both to talk about how all this makes you both feel and how you can both go forward with it. Also you say you wish you had talked through the side effects more before making a decision. It strikes me you still have time to do that, and you might feel a lot less angry if you do, even if you still follow the same path. Also it might be worth considering a support group which might be attached to your hospital. I hate to hear of anyone suffering more than they should with this wretched disease. Take care
Madeline x