Helping a friend

I’m new here and hope you don’t mind but have a question. Have a friend who has been recalled fromm 1st mammogram and had core biopsy today. Returning for results next week. Q is - is doing core biopsy rather than FNA something to be viewed as sinister?
I’m worried sick for her

Hi sweetie, no I don’t think it is anything sinister. I had both. The core biopsy is much more accurate than the fna, so that will be why she had it. I hope she is ok, nine out of ten lumps are benign.

btw my lump was benign!!!

all the best jules xxxx

One thing I love about this forum is trying to work out what abbreviations mean. I had core biopsies but have no idea what fna means. Love Jillyh

fine needle aspiration, only know as my friend had one, I had core biopsy with results 4 days later

Hi Thx
Hmmmmm I had both and was told it was benign. Had the lump removed on their advice Thursday. Before the op the surgeon wasn’t happy and after removal he told me to prepare myself for it not to be good news. Soooooo I think it’s best that it was removed, although I now have to wait two weeks for the result at least I know it’s been taken out. It felt like an alien being in there. Best of luck. You will meet some remarkable girls on here and for me not having a partner I can assure you she will really need you. My friends have kept me together.

I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on the fact taht she had a core biopsy rather than a fns - core biopsy is probably better. Hope your friend is ok and her lump is benign. May be best to have it removed regardless tho.



Thanks everyone. I am going with her to get the results so I would prefer to be a bit more prepared hence all the questions. Thankfully it’s my first experience of any of this and I hope for her sake everything is fine.If anyone has any tips about how I can help her please let me know. Thanks for all your help

All you have to be is her voice and ears on the day, talk to her about all the things she wants to know and make sure you ask them. Don’t feel daft, hell, make them draw pictures if necessary. It’s unanswered questions that will scare her the most. My friend did all of this for me followed by a lunch and very large glass of wine, something I can never thank her enough for!
I really hope she is fine.
Chrissie xxxxx