Helping my friend

My beautiful friend has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She had her lymph nodes removed yesterday and has a full mastectomy in 2 weeks. I would like to put together a beautiful care package for her but would like some ideas on what you think she would need. I have bought her a couple of pairs of button down pj’s, a book/mags etc but would like some things that you guys think are helpful or useful and comforting.

Thank you in advance for your help with this xxx

Hi Sami,
What a lovely thing to do.
I didn’t have a mastectomy, but it might be an idea to post in ‘surgery’ in the ‘going through treatment’ part of the forum, where the ladies there maybe able to help.
ann x

Thank you so much for replying. I will definitely try that xxx

Hi Sami

When I had my lymph nodes removed my breast care nurse gave me a small shoulder bag to support the bag attached to the drainage tube. This allowed me to move around freely and I was able to hook it on to my nightstand at night to prevent it pulling in the night. The bags are supplied by our local W.I.


While in for Radiotherapy I came across this engraving on a sun dial - “Turn to face the sun and the dark clouds will fall behind you !” I have tried to make this my mantra in dealing with my treatment. Perhaps you can pass this on along with my prayers for your friend.

Midgemac. Xx

Thank you for this reply. It’s really kind of you to take the time to reply. I have got lots of lovely things for her and hope they bring a small comfort. She is really struggling with everything at the moment and it breaks my heart that I can’t make things better. Both her and her partner are finding it so difficult to get their heads around it all. It’s such a huge thing. I truly think you women are superheroes. I am not sure I could be as strong as you. I hope you are on your way to recovery and I love your mantra. Keep looking towards that sun lovely xxxx