Helping my mum.

Hello, i’m a 16 year old teen who is in need of some help.


My mum is a wonderful woman, and has always done everything for me and the home.

She has recently had major surgery for breast cancer and is in a lot of pain. However, due to it being her normality she is refusing help. I just want to know if you have any tips on how i can help? I’ve tried talking to her and taking over but it isn’t working.


I’m worried about this due to the healing process. My mum needs radio therapy so i know i need to sort his out sooner rather than later.


-Thank you :slight_smile:

-Emily x



How long ago did your mum have her op and what did she have done, if it is only very recently there is an element of pain in that she is recovering from her op.  What sort of help is she refusing?


One thing that might help you to deal with this is to perhaps ring the helpline on here the number is at the top of the page on the right, I believe they have nurses on there as well who may be able to give you advise and reassurance.


Dont worry about coming back on here there a lot of lovely ladies on here that will be able to give you help and support. xx

Emily - what a lovely daughter you are. I’d say just doing little things to help would be great, like making sure your mum always has a cup of tea without her asking, and perhaps help by keeping on top of things like running the vacuum cleaner round, washing up etc. It takes time to revoked from surgery and can be draining emotionally. I know as a Mum you want to protect your children so this could be why she doesn’t want to chat about it. As Helena said the helpline on here is great if you need some support too.

Jane x

Oh Emily, just wanted to say what a wonderful daughter your mum has.  She probably doesn’t want to make anything difficult for you, or to stop you doing all the things you do.  We all react in different ways, but you know her best. The other advice given on here is great, certainly worth giving the Nurses or Helpline a ring. But always come back here, because we care about you and your mum. (She might even want to have a look on this forum at some time). Love and hugs :cathappy:xxx