
I’ve found out that I have a BRCA2 gene mutation and I am devastated. This has hit me harder than my cancer diagnosis. The guilt I feel to think that I could give this to my girls is just so immense. I honestly don’t know what to do. My girls knew that I was going to be tested but I haven’t shared the results yet, just putting a brave face on but inside I am truly broken.

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This must be so hard for you but you will get through this and your girls will support you. Ultimately knowledge
Is power so it is good you know. Stay strong.


Hi, sorry to hear you have Brca2 gene.
I also tested positive this year.
My family is mostly female and 3 of us have tested positive along with my daughters.
I as a parent feel Guilty and heart broken at this diagnosis, 2 of my sister have had BC and a daughter.
I know it is hard to try and comprehend but there is support out there.
I have been in a dark place coping with everything, however due to counselling, talking with family and friends I am starting to think of the positives, the nhs have been brilliant at the hospital.
If you can please ask for advice and speak to family and friends.
It is a lot to get your head around. Try not to be to hard on yourself, and take time to think things through.

Best wishes