Her 2 and 4 Years on ......

Hi I don’t come on here very often now but thought I would post today just incase there is someone out there looking for hope with a her2 dx. I was told last week that I remain Ned at my 4 year check up.
4 years ago my world fell apart and making plans became a distant memory. After over a year of treatment, chemo, rads and herceptin I emerged battered and bruised scared and bewildered.
I am sometimes still scared but beginning to cautiously make plans for more than a month!
Although my life has changed I am getting used to the new normal. I wish everyone good luck in their journey and want to say that there is light at the end of the tunnel. X

Hello Lala, 


I am also a her2+ I’ve been diagnosed for a year now, had a lumpectomy done and been on herceptin/perjeta/toxeter regimen. Unfortunately my CA spread before I started chemo down to my pelvic bone . I was wondering, did yours spread too? My doc says I’ve been doing good with my chemo its been looking stable, I will be having my mastectomy in a few months. Do I worry because it spread? My oncg says things like I will be on chemo for life, that word frustrates me! Will I be? When she says in looking clean am I considered NED? Will I ever be considered that? Or no because of the spread?



Gadir xx