HER2+ and need some buddies

I’m going through identical treatment at the moment. Did your Phesgo injections start 3 weeks after your last chemo and did you still have to shield. Also were you able to fly :thinking:. Sorry so many questions. I hope you are doing well now :pray:

My phesgo injections started part way through chemo when I was still on Paclitaxel. They are every 3 weeks with 7 done so far. I don’t have blood tests while I am on then so no idea how much they knock my immunity. I did ask last time round as I am unclear how careful I should be. The message was that they do reduce immunity but typically there seem to be less consequences to this. That doesn’t really answer your question I’m afraid and it didn’t really answer mine. I’ll ask again at the next appointment.

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all

I’m supposed to be getting the Covid and flu jab this weekend but think I will rearrange as we’ve got the chance to get away instead and I now prize quality time above all else.

Hi @daisy9 I started Phesgo during Paclitaxel like @norts and am now halfway through. I think some people have flown but as I’ve heard it, it’s the travel insurance that poses the biggest problems, as in it costs more if you are in active treatment. There are definitely some good recommendations on the BCN forum for travel insurance if you do a search.

In other news…it’s my 54th birthday today!! Never have I been so glad or grateful to attain another year. I have celebratory radiotherapy!! :partying_face:


Happy birthday :birthday::wine_glass::champagne:

I was supposed to have 4th cycle today, but due to very low neutrophils, ended up with an infection. 2 trips to A&E over the weekend with a temperature of 38.4 and a heart rate of 116, it’s been delayed for a week. On antibiotics for a week and so far so good.
Enjoy your trip away.xx

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Hi all,
Just wanted to update. I’m now on day 10 of my first Kadcyla and it really hasn’t been too bad (other than the cannula palaver)! Funny taste at start, dry mouth ongoing, and generally tired. I also have conjunctivitis for the first time in years and sure enough it is there on the side effects list as a common SE. The pharmacist has said they can’t give me any drops or meds for it as it all is contraindicated with Kadcyla, so just warm salt water on it.
Also started Anastrozole a few days ago and so far nothing from that.
Hope everyone else is doing ok! X

I had my flu jab last week and got nothing other than a bruise where they did it.
I’m intending to have the Covid jab but am a bit nervous as I know it gives side effects and I feel like I have enough going on! My oncologist suggested to have it just before a Kadcyla round when my bloods will be at their best. But don’t want to go into a round feeling crap because of the Covid jab - ah well it feels a bit like between a rock and a hard place!


Happy Birthday @salbert :tada::tada::tada::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

@bigpickle im so sorry to hear you’ve been unwell, hoping the antibiotics do the trick.

@isthisreal. I finished Herceptin mid September and had my flu and Covid jabs 3 weeks later. I had a sore arm for a couple of days and a bit of a headache ( on top of my every day aches and pains with Letrozole). I took a couple of extra paracetamol and it seemed to do the trick, I had my zoledronic acid infusion today, took a couple of paracetamol before as advised, so we’ll see if I get flu like side effects after this.

Hope everyone is doing ok.


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Happy Birthday @salbert ! :partying_face: xx

Happy birthday. It was my 51st on Saturday.

Happy birthday @salbert and belated happy birthday to @norts :tada::birthday:
Hope you feel better soon @bigpickle

Happy Birthday and I wish you well fire future :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello and thanks for all your birthday wishes. I’m a very happy 54 year old!

@bigpickle I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been so ill. It really is luck of the draw as to who gets a bad reaction and I’m sending you love and strength to climb back up again and fight back. Everyone here is cheering you on.

@isthisreal Great news that you are ploughing on with the Kadycla and coping well. I don’t blame you for being nervous about more side effects. I’ve brought my Covid and flu jab forward to this afternoon but I’m not coping with chemo at the moment so am hoping for the best.

@naughty_boob How is it going with the latest zoledronic acid infusion? I’m told that the body doesn’t react as strongly to subsequent ones so I’m hopeful regarding that as it floored me!

@norts Happy belated birthday, my fellow Libran! :partying_face:

Radiotherapy number 6 of 15 today. My false boob has developed a dent! :woozy_face:


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Hey everyone! Not been on here in over a week, been back at home with little one in a routine.
Anyway was meant to have my 5th round tomorrow but this has been cancelled due to my blood results… low platlets etc. Ahh how frustrating! Done so well so far and geared my self up for tomorrow. But i am not surprised… felt a bit crap ever since this round and not bounced back like i normally do! Headachey and body achey… exhausted and i am covered in bruises! Bruising so easily. I know its one of those things and cant be helped. This ever happened to anyone else? Was worried about the delay but they did assure me that chemo still in my system and doing its job still :grimacing:
Thanks Jemma :heart_hands:

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@norts Happy belated birthday :gift: I hope you were spoiled

@jeml oh that sounds a bit rotten , the bruising will be because if your platelet level , once they come back up that should rectify x
I haven’t started chemo yet but it seems a delay is allowed and not an issue so don’t worry about that.
In extreme cases when I worked on the oncology day unit while pregnant , we’d get patients in for a blood transfusion , but hopefully the delay will slow things to come back up on their own

@bigpickle I hope you are feeling better soon x

I only have the 2 rounds left too… im glad its happened at end rather than the start! I know its common though, end of day our bodies are going through a lot. My platlet is 89 and heamaglobin 94 because i asked if i needed anything and they said no. So just rest for a week then and it probably increase. Geared my self up for tomorrow too :joy: feel a bit frustrated but it is what it is. Not surprised felt out of sorts ever since that last round. When do you start chemo? X

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Fingers crossed it will pick up soon … you are almost there x

I meet with the oncologist next Monday , I feel sick with worry

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You will be fine! I think its just something we never expect to happen to us… its something we never thought we would have. I was the same and when my mum dropped me off the first time i cried and hugged her and felt scared because i was like ’ omg this is actually real… i need chemo ’ but once i sat in chair and everyone was so so nice… they started it.off and i was fine! Took my tablet and started watching films etc. Once you get your first out of way and once you sit there for a bit… it will all pass! Then once its over and your about to leave… i was like yess! I did it! Feel amazing. I got this :muscle::heart_hands:

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@jeml I’m terrified of allergic reactions , I’ve read about them in the forum and it scares me witless … I’ve got a heap of health issues so it really scares me .
I’ve got conjoined kidneys and related vascular issues linked to it plus heart issues and long covid . I’ve suffered reactions to lots of things since long covid so I’m worried now my body will go beserk .

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Aww i can totally understand why you feel that way! I have 0 health issues before this so i get why you think that way.
I was scared too of reactions etc but just know your not alone and there is a lot of nurses etc around you and checking on you. When i went for my first this guy had a bit of a reaction and was sick but he was okay. They sorted him out and he was fine… i was like omg though. They asked if i was okay because he was smack next to me and i was like yea… the nurse said to me… so to let you know it does not happen a lot… so dont worry.x

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