HER2+ and need some buddies

Hi Jeml

I guess it really is the luck of the draw but there are so many things you can get for eyebrows and lashes if they did fall out or thin temporarily.

Temporary brows you stick on-Amazon etc
Brow wigs
Micro blading-salons check with oncologist first
Brow stencils and powder to fill in.
C lash-lashes designed for chemo therapy patients-they stick on with a band to your skin rather than lashes-Amazon,Boots

Also if you have a Boots nearby check online if the No 7 counter has a trained person to advise those going through chemotherapy/cancer, some do and they may offer some tips or tricks too.

Sometimes a little tweak can make all the difference oof how we feel.

Have you done a Look Good Feel Good Better workshop? https://lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk/
They are online and in person too and have workshops that cover eyebrows and eyelashes and lots more too such as nails, headwear, wigs etc.

This is worth a look and if you go along you get a goody bag for the skin and make up one!

On the subject of nails I used jojoba oil and rubbed it into my cuticles as advised on LGFB and painted them black for protection as I had heard other women did.

I can report that my nails were longer and stronger than they had been in decades after chemo!

Lastly an oncologist nurse mentioned that you can get a prescription for prescription lash regrowth serum from your doctors after chemo if you lose them all,

I didn’t get to ask my doctor as they grew back so fast and may also depend upon your doctor if they were willing to do this but I thought it was worth mentioning.

Yes you have to have a laugh along the way at things sometimes,…once my computer wasn’t working and when I took it to the Apple shop and the gentleman rebooted it he was faced with a full screen of different women’s boobs as I had been looking at breast reconstruction! :rofl:

I have heard people mention a chemo started group as well on this site might be worth a look if you haven’t already.

Your boyfriend sounds very caring and considerate…facial massages…I am sure we are all jealous! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Xx


@browneyes This reminded me to that when my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 non Hodgkin follicular lymphoma in 2022 , apart from the tumour on her spine (which steroids shrunk ) , they saw nodules on various organs during her scans which all turned out to be benign .
My mum is on immunotherapy still but shes the picture of health …shes currently in majorca, its alright for some !

@chakakhan Thank you for being reassuring , I remember when I was a surgical nurse , our patients did return from theatre ! Even the very poorly ones … but I had a meeting with the consultant anaesthetist a few days ago which made me feel do gloomy that im tempted to cancel my operation - She was vile and terrified me , told me that having long covid put me at huge risk of dying! Ive been in a state ever since

@salbert Painting myself since like the obvious way to say goodbye - Where is your poem ?
Last Saturday we had an amazing booking, we were booked by David Tennant for a party at his home and I painted him … what a surreal experience!


@salbert how is your dad ? That sounds like it might be cellulitis :persevere:

Hang on a cotton-picking minute @chakakhan … You know a bit too much about all this. Are you a professional? What great tips! I loved that goodie bag from the Look Good Feel Better workshop. I’m still ploughing through all the stuff. Amazing.
Laughed at the image of your computer repairman being confronted with a load of tits!! :rofl:

@arty1 First of all, I find it infuriating that your anaesthetist has made you feel like that. Again, I am reminded of why our mental health is so important on this journey. She should and could have reassured you and filled you with hope instead of fear. Is there anyone else you can speak to? It’s terrible that she has made you feel like cancelling your op.

Secondly, YOU PAINTED DAVID TENNANT!!! That’s amazing. So cool. He was on Radio 2 this morning while I was dropping my son at school. Is he a ball of energy always?

Thirdly…you know your stuff. My Dad does indeed have cellulitis. He is in hospital on a drip. Well done on that! You are a woman of many talents.

Finally…here is my goodbye to my right boob!

Mastectomy Musings – A Poem of Gratitude

You fed my child, you entertained
You nipple tassel twirled
You looked great in bikinis
On beaches round the world

My cleavage was phenomenal
On you I could depend
On ugly or bad hair days
You were a loyal friend

I stuck my boobs out loud and proud
My chest was quite exalted
And as erogenous zones go
You really can’t be faulted

You’ve never let me down
Our relationship’s been long
But maybe I just wore you out
‘Cos lately you’ve gone wrong

And though I tried to keep you
It’s clear we’ve reached the end
So I thank you for your service
And I say farewell, my friend

For in saying goodbye to you
This way I get to live
And besides, I get an implant
So there’s nothing to forgive

Farewell, fair tit!


Hi Salbert,

How are you doing post surgery?

Thank you for replying and assuring me you have read the studies it saves me doing it! :rofl:

I do keep mentioning it but no one is taking any notice!
I will save all my energies for my treatment as I have not got any fight left. Xx


Welcome to all the newbies on the thread. The more the merrier and if we help, share our experiences or give a virtual hand hold, that’s a job done.

@isitreal there is a thread about Kadcyla here

And here is a link for more information on BCN website


@jeml sorry to hear about your lashes and brows. Lots of good advice given already. www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk are fantastic online courses with Jasmin from www.cancerhaircare.co.uk who can also offer 1:1 support for all hair issues. They even sent me eyebrow stencils and Eyelure CLashes for those who have lost their lashes for free. So always worth contacting them. I lost half my eyebrows and most of my lashes. I did also have very dry eye so got a prescription for carbomer gel ( artificial tears) to help.

@browneyes it’s great you have decided to join in the chat, but there is absolutely no pressure to do so and there is probably many more just looking at this thread. It’s been so popular with over 13k views!

@salbert im so sorry to hear about your Dad, hope he is feeling better soon.


My lashes and brows are still going strong! They have not budged.
I was just asking to see when others lost theres :blush:


Goodness what a lot of posts, dont know where to start. I did write a long heartfelt post yesterday but had trouble sending it, so gave up and cant be a****d to write it again. Just rambling anyway. However, i thought i would reply to some comments. Eyelashes - i didnt lose mine fully but almost gone after i finished chemo, now coming back and ive started using serum from UKLash and Grow strong brow oil from Mauli Rituals.
Hi @arty1 so sorry you had that reaction to your long covid. That’s really poor. My daughter has long covid and recently had a minor procedure with a short light anaesthetic and her anaesthetist wasn’t concerned except to check her lung function and kept an eyr on her blood pressure which has a tendency to get very low. She also knows a couple of girls who have had c sections with no problems. I suppose it depends on the length of the procedure and your particular long covid problems, such a myriad of symptoms and systems involved. Are you under a long covid clinic (most of them useless, i know) or other consultants? my daughter checked with her respiratory physician and cardiologist that it wpuld be ok. The anaesthetists just have to keep a closer eye on you i suppose. Anyway that reaction is not good enough and you should have been reasured.
@salbert what a busy day, dont overdo it. I guess you are in sandwich generation with elderly parents and kids. Hope Dad gets the treatment he needs and your Mum is ok.
Besy wishes all.


Fingers crossed they will remain :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’ve only just lost my brows this week. Still have lashes…for now. I started chemo in June with 3 rounds of EC and have had 5 rounds of paclitaxel so far. So quite far through before the brows abandoned me x

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@pennyp - She was an awful anaesthesiologist, I will freak out if it’s her on the day . I had respiratory function tests done last year which were fine , they think it’s affected my vagus nerve and said I had breathing pattern disorder . I finally saw the long covid clinic in April who were pretty useless and just diagnosed breathing pattern disorder . I’ve been under the ME clinic for three years .
My cardio has written saying in his opinion my heart is functioning well and he has no worries .

I told my gp about the anaesthetist and he said , no wonder she only looks after unconscious people with a bedside manner like that !

@salbert - I spoke to one of the counsellors from the breast clinic yesterday who said that I should have been reassured and said that if they thought there was a huge risk they wouldn’t be operating . She was lovely but I’m still terrified .
The day surgery rang today to say my surgeon has asked if I can attend at 7.30 am rather than 12 - less time to worry I guess .

I was a nurse on a gastro intestinal and vascular surgery ward , so we did see a lot of cellulitis in patients with compromised vascular systems , diabetes etc . It’s unpleasant, I’m hoping your dad is now being treated with antibiotics and will be on the road to recovery soon x

On that note I was always reassuring my patients going down for surgery … :see_no_evil:

David was absolutely lovely , took the time to chat to us and I was so happy that he’s as down to earth and “genuine” as he appears .

I love your poem , you certainly have a way with words, this is wonderful x

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Well i have 3 more rounds to go of carboplatin and docetaxel… im having my 4th on Wednesday. Would be nice to be able to keep them :crossed_fingers:x

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Had the best news today :raised_hands: my consultant called me with my mri results. After 3 rounds of chemo my nodes are now clear and my lump as gone from 27mm to 14mm.
Feel so so happy. 3 more chemo rounds to go :heart_hands::pray::muscle:


Fantastic news @jeml :tada::tada::tada::tada:


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@arty1 I hope you’ve had a nice weekend, even if the weather has been a bit wet. I will be thinking you tomorrow. They always say medical staff are the worst patients, probably because you know more than us mere mortals. I’m sure everything will be fine and you’ll be commenting tomorrow evening that it all went well. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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That’s amazing @jeml. You must feel so relieved with those results!!

Could I ask whether anyone has developed neuropathy? I’ve done 5 sessions out of 9 of paclitaxel and yesterday the tips of my thumbs went numb. The feeling hasn’t come back yet. Not sure whether I should be concerned and whether I need to report it? I’m worried they’ll change my treatment plan and I really just want to get the next 4 sessions done :confused:


I’m not there with chemo yet but I think you do need to mention these symptoms x

We’ve been working all weekend - just as well really , weathers been awful though … feels like winter !

I e sat and cried and cried today desperately researching if I can have it done with a local (I can’t unless it’s full on nerve block which has its own risks )

I’m the worst patient known to man … I’ve cancelled ops (non essential) in the past because of my fear of anaesthesia

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@jeml that’s brilliant news ! Xx