HER2+ and need some buddies

Well I got a call from the radiotherapy late effects team this afternoon regarding my post radiotherapy fibrosis. I’ve got an appointment in 2 weeks :+1: The nurse says I’m doing all the right things- stretching, massaging the fibrosed areas and she also suggested some deep breathing. At least I am now in the Musgrove system having had radiotherapy in Reading



I’m feeling better now I know a bit of my plan too.
Pre op this Monday where they are also inserting a micro chip, then a dye injection on Thursday and my surgery Friday.
Busy week next week!
Still very anxious and nervous, also I have never had an operation before so not sure what to expect.
I then will find out my chemo and radiotherapy path once handed over to the oncologist once my surgery complete.
Love and positivity to you all :sparkling_heart:


Good news @gromit12 I really wish the late effects radiotherapy was available nationwide. I’m at Velindre in Cardiff with the Welsh NHS and they don’t have the service. Just across the border in Bristol/Gloucestershire they have a self referral system for late effects.

I did ask at Velindre why they didn’t provide the service and they say there is a limited service for those who have had radiotherapy of the stomach and groin area. They just deal with late effects of bowel and bladder issues. I now have help from a cancer physio but it took a lot of asking, having seen a normal physio who didn’t understand cancer treatment.

Hope you get some relief. Radiotherapy seems so easy at the time but it can cause long term side effects. I was once told by a cancer rehabilitation specialist at the Penny Brohn charity, it was the gift that keeps on giving! Any it’s so true.


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@naughty_boob good that you’ve found a cancer physio. I’ve been watching some YouTube videos by a breast physio and have learnt some massage techniques - the nurse yesterday said to carry on doing these and to keep stretching as much as possible. Also to deep belly breathe. She said the service is not commissioned by the NHS but by Macmillan


Somebody posted a link on another thread to The Breast Cancer Physio, Jen McKenzie, who is based in Australia and I’ve found her very helpful on top on my own cancer physio. So much so that I will be discussing some of the techniques with her.

Here is the link for anyone else that is interested.

Glad your service is funded by MacMillan, I believe my cancer physio is part funded by MacMillan as well.

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Highly recommend Jen McKenzie :+1:and the nurse at Musgrove said I was to keep doing her massage techniques till I’m seen :+1:


@jobieejo - I had my last chemo five weeks ago but am still continuing with the herceptin by infusion x I’m so glad you now have a plan in place , it makes such a difference when you feel things are progressing and makes you feel a little more in control. I booked a couple of nights away with my husband before my surgery and I highly recommend it if you can … or treat yourself to a nice meal out x

@erica as above , once you have a plan , it does make a difference when you feel things are happening , once you start on the treatment train it’s all enveloping but you don’t get time to think of much else except getting through the treatment. Treat yourself too before you start it all , I had a lovely night away in a rural shepherds hut and that peace and quiet really helped to mentally prepare me for what was to come x

@salbert I hope the consultant appointment at The RM went well x my friend is an oncology specialist nurse there and raves about it x

I wish they would warn you more about the effects of the chemically induced menopause , my poor family don’t know whether to hug me if run for cover at the moment. Combined with the fact I’m not staying asleep
At night and feel like I’m burning up . I’m a laugh a minute at the moment . At least we are saving on heating bills :rofl: