HER2+ and need some buddies

@pennyp you sound like me I also bought a HEPA portable filter. Yes children are full of germs that’s why I’d don’t go back to work in school. I used to catch things being asthmatic and having bc made me realise life is too short. I need to find something new to do. I volunteer on here and at a local foodbank, I managed to get redundancy to have time to rethink my future.

Glad the operation went well, be kind to yourself, everyone heals at different rates so don’t gauge your recovery with others.

@marionse25 @pennyp was asking after you but your link didn’t work so I though I’d add it here.

@belle1 yes I agree the slower the better with Herceptin for me. Not sure if I posted here before but one nurse injected a small amount then left it for 30 seconds to allow the local anaesthetic to work and then slowly over the full 5 minutes and I didn’t feel a thing. I have asked all nurses since to do this. The last nurse said yes that’s what I do but she rushed the injection and it was sore so I asked her to slow down.


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I hope it’s ok to join in here .
I was diagnosed with Grade 2 IDC and DCIS Er/PR- on 7th August .
I had another biopsy on another area and yesterday got the results that my cancer is actually Grade 3 er/pr- and HER2+ which has been a blow … I’m waiting for an appointment with the surgeon to discuss reconstruction and will be having a mastectomy followed by chemo and rads and I’ll be having Herceptin.
I’m out of my mind with worry about the whole lot as I have serious heart issues … it feels very surreal …,my youngest is 14 and I’m scared I’ll leave her without a mum… I’m desperate for the surgery though as it’s nearly a month since my formal diagnosis

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Welcome to the thread/group, @arty1 . You will find lots of support and guidance and hopefully a diversion from what is happening at times.

At this rate @salbert BCN will have to set up a separate group for us HER2+’s


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Hi @naughty_boob

Thank you for being so caring!

Hi @pennyp

I had my Dmx and SNLB this afternoon. I was out late so they have kept me overnight I am posting from my hospital bed.

The op went well thay have removed 4 sentinel nodes and found no cancer what a relief! That means no clearance needed.
I have had extra painkillers but doing ok generally.

Re your question on herceptin, I have had 6/18 phesgosso far including one last Friday. I get a numbing cream about 45 min beforehand and it helps my needle phobia and the stinging. I had shooting pains on leg and hip on day 3 and 4 after the 5th first injections but not last time. And the injection site gets red on the day, with mild pain for a few hours.

My blood pressure gets quite low on the day but gets back to normal quickly. No other side effects

Not sure I have answered all your questions so just ahout if I can help with anything!

Take care

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Hi everyone

I’m so sorry for the radio silence but I have been camping quite literally on the side of a cliff with no signal which was lovely and frustrating in equal measures.

I have just got back to the camper van and seen the thread as we are now down in Appledore and I couldn’t go to bed without saying hi to you all and saying hello to @arty1 because I want you to know we have all been where you are right now. Being HER2+ is now one of the best breast cancers you can have because of Herceptin. If you get the chance, please read back over this thread because there is some really informative stuff on our type of cancer. You are in that really horrible phase of the journey when you are having to get your head around the news and know that you are going to have to go through treatment. But the treatment is excellent and you will get lots of advice on here and lots of support. If there is anything you are unsure about then just ask. If we can’t answer, then one of the Breast Cancer Now nurses will be able to help you. There is so much they can do so please don’t despair. I know it’s easier said than done, but everyone on this thread will tell you that they’ve been there and that they are ok. My son was 14 too when I got the news. He turned 15 in July. I have no intention of going anywhere and you aren’t either. I got the news in early November 2023. Now here I am campervanning with my hair growing back after chemo and I am sprouting eyebrows and eyelashes again. I know it’s hard to imagine now but you will be here too in 9 months time.

I will be back properly at the weekend when I will be able to keep up with all that is going on, on here.

Just on the tiredness issue, I’ve been doing really well in the daytimes walking miles and feeling really good but I have noticed that I just can’t drink alcohol and enjoy the evenings like I used to. I do hope that returns but if it doesn’t then it’s a small price to pay. It’s not like I ever have to look back and feel like I missed out because I really didn’t. Partying was something I was very talented at!

Love to you all



When I say camping on the edge of a cliff, I wanted to show you all how close to the edge of the cliff we literally were!!


Thank you for that reassuring reply - I definitely feel like I’m just spinning wildly right now with no direction … it feels quite consuming - I’m terrified the chemo will put me into heart failure as my heart is already damaged …

The view is amazing ! That’s definitely going off grid !!

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Hi all,
I’ m so glad you are ok @marionse and the op went well, hope you were able to sleep in hospital. I came home later the same dsy after my op as i was done first on list, but then had to go back yesterday for dressing change ss was bleeding a bit. Good news that your sentinel nodes were clear and you didnt need axillary clearance, thay was a relief for me to. Guess we have to tske a day at a time for recovery, but we will get there. Very envious of @salbert and her csmpervan trip.

Hi @salbert soinds like you are having fab time perched on cliff, what wonderful scenery. Nice to be sble to get out walking, i’m looking forward to that. I had about 1/4 glass of wine the other day and it went strsight to my head, definitely be a lightweight now.

Hello @arty1 sorry you are in this club, but it really helps to have supportive people around. This forum has been amazingfor that. I agree with what @salbert said, it really is a bonus to have Her2 positive diagnosis as this type responds to treatment very well. My large tumour had complete response from chemo, even with only a few herceptin (Phesgo) injections. I dont know what the protocol is for people with heart conditions is, but i am sure they will keep a close eye on you.
Gentle hugs everyone.


@pennyp I seem to be in the minority in that they are doing my mastectomy first …. I think it’s because the tumours are tiny but cover a large area , they feel chemo first won’t be beneficial … I was expecting chemo first .
I was diagnosed formally in 7th August then had a further biopsy , my appointment with the surgeon has come through for 10/9 but no surgery date yet … It’s made me feel more anxious as it’s outside their time frames for starting treatment , I just want them to get in with it !

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Hi yes I agree it was so quick and my leg was painful for 2 days after. She did say that was the main dose and they would be smaller next time. I’m still going to ask her to go slower. Xx

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@salbert Looks beautiful. Having cancer makes it even more special. We had a few days away in Shropshire and it was stunning. There are so many beautiful places in the U.K., even in the rain! But having a dog you are always prepared and go out in all weathers.

I remember walking during chemotherapy whatever the weather struggling some times to do a short 10 minutes walk but I was so grateful for the wind, rain ( it was winter) and to watch the clouds in the sky.

@arty1 i know it’s harder waiting for the operation and that is may be out of the timescales. I found a lump on 2 April 2023 and didn’t have my operation until 5 July 2023, 3 months seemed like a long time, more than the 62 days quoted in Wales but my boobs put a spanner in the works and an MRI found something in my left boob, which turned out to be another primary cancer. Yes one in each boob! I was scared that the cancer would grow and spread but was assured that they don’t grow that fast. The chemo started quickly after I had recovered from surgery on 14 September. I kept being told it’s better to know the full facts and do the treat right first time.

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Blimey that seems a long wait - what a horrible shock to find it was in the other breast too :disappointed:

I know they are putting together the whole picture and the breast nurse said it’s really important that I chat about my options to the surgeon, she said it would be a disaster to just rush into a mastectomy . She reassured me that at this moment in time despite it being high grade they aren’t thinking that it’s spread … or will do between now and my surgery and that DCIS can sit around and do nothing for a long time … I feel a bit more reassured x

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Hello everyone, it’s been ages since I’ve been on here and it’s great to see all the new people and how everyone’s keeping up the chat. It’s a long haul in treatment for we Her2+ve folk and I don’t know how others feel but especially with hair, brows etc growing back, work, family and friends’ enthusiasm for enquiring after my wellbeing etc has definitely wained massively!

632 entries and still going strong! @salbert you definitely hit on a good topic and catch thread title. Is there a Forum record for the longest thread I wonder? Are you anywhere near it?

Anyway, on my journey, I‘m gearing up for this coming Friday being my final (18/18) Phesgo injection! At times I thought I’d never make it but here I am. I will miss the hospital team on the oncology outpatient ward. I’ve literally visited every 3 weeks since 15th July 2023. What I won’t be sorry to see the back of is the diarrhoea, it’s got cumulatively worse - more episodes on more days and less predictable about when in the cycle. Yes Imodium (loperamide) is great, but it really only acts like a bung and when the effect wears off, the cork pops and off I go again! I’ve talked to the BCNs etc but there’s little else anyone can do. Anyway, hopefully, like all the other stages of treatment it will soon be in the past.

By way of encouragement for those in the early stages of their journey. My tumour was found on routine mammogram. I didn’t find it. I just know that it wasn’t there 3 years previously and now it was and had spread to my lymph nodes. You can imagine how keen I was to get on with treatment and convinced I was riddled with cancer. But diagnosed on 26th May 23, I didn’t start any treatment until 15th July. Hindsight’s a wonderful thing and I now understand it’s the right thing to have all the tests and scans etc so that the best treatment plan for everybody’s individual situation is drawn up. I had to appreciate that if it’s taken up to 3 yrs to diagnose, a few extra weeks wasn’t going to make a mahusive difference. So I guess my message is like that of others, the wait is worrying, but things really do pick up and get better.

Then there’s letrozole. Oh my gosh, that’s taking some getting used to and definitely affected how I am, feel, ache, bend… the list goes on. But everyday I tell myself it’s helping me stay cancer free and I pop another one, hoping I can swim, walk, garden and generally plough through the SE’s.

Then again, like others have expressed it’s still not totally the end. There are a few more heart scans (one with the radioactive substance, then switch to ‘echos’), blood tests - my liver function is still not normal. The oncologist isn’t worried and my reading up suggests this too is a Phesgo effect, but my GP won’t have it and is putting me through their patient pathway as though I am an alcoholic!!! And I’m on the 6-monthly zolendronic acid infusions for another 5 doses. December will be one year after surgery mammogram. The car park at St James can look forward to seeing me plenty yet!

@salbert it’s been great to read about your successful surgery and I loved your poem.

Take care one and all. I’m still around and so grateful for you guys all still being here plus all the newer faces.


Hi everyone

I’m answering from a pub where we have stopped on our walk from Porlock Weir (amazingly beautiful, and if you haven’t been there, then I really recommend a visit) to Bossington and then back along the coastline. My husband is watching the Arsenal v Brighton match so I thought this would be a great opportunity to check in. This is our last day on the road before returning at horrid o’clock tomorrow morning.

The only problem is that I can’t scroll back and read everyone’s messages so can’t answer as fully as I would like.

@arty1 I had a few surgeries before chemotherapy and I believe it is often done this way. It was only because my initial surgeon just couldn’t get all the DCIS out that they switched to neoadjuvant chemo at Marsden when I went over there because it had gone on for too long. However, I’m told that it doesn’t move so fast that you need to worry about this. I’ve even been told that sometimes they leave DCIS and don’t operate at all to see what happens. I’m not sure who would agree to that but each to their own. My histopathology results after my mastectomy three weeks ago showed that the chemo cleared the rest of the DCIS, so I really wouldn’t worry.

Lovely to hear from our old friend @suedot who is absolutely spot-on with what she says. I’m so thrilled that you are almost at the end of the Phesgo. I think we will all feel like we’ve been kicked out the nest when our treatment finally finishes. I’m using voice record to type this post and other peoples voices keep getting recorded so I have just had to delete “Any Arsenal fans here?”

I was discussing with @naughty_boob why it could be that this thread has taken off in the way it has, but I think it is a combination of factors. Firstly, when you get that HER2+ diagnosis then you sure as hell need some buddies. We have that here. An amazing bunch of women. So supportive, kind and with a wonderful pool of information.

Voice record is all very well, but I have just had to delete “Where’s the toilet, mate?” “Second door up the back.”

I think I’m going to admit defeat, but I will be back at my home desk on my computer Monday morning and I don’t like to think about the amount of work emails I have waiting. I’ll be back on here then when it will prove a very welcome diversion!!

Have a great weekend all and for those of you for whom this is not possible at the moment, then I hope that you find some peace and respite. When I was at that point where I was waiting for results, I kept trying to flip it in my head and tell myself that at least it had been found and we could do something about it. I sometimes look back at pictures of myself a year ago and think how near I was to my life suddenly being turned upside down. I was living in blissful ignorance. I am nothing but grateful now that it did get found and that I am well on the road to recovery. I really hope that you can look at it that way too.

Love to all


P.S. It’s 1 all by the way, for those of you who are remotely interested!


Hi everyone, hope you don’t mind me joining in now. I’ve been following, reading and taking comfort and advice from all your posts since, I was diagnosedER+ PR+ HER2+ back in April.
This week I finally completed 3x EC and 3x Docetaxel neo-adjuavnt chemotherapy(with 3 weekly Phesgo injections) and have surgery booked for the 1st October .
Reading your experiences, and advice has really helped me get this far with, hope and positivity.
Thankyou Everyone, you are all amazing :two_hearts::two_hearts:


@salbert your trip away sounds wonderful , I love Porlock :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: .
It seems when to give chemo is still very individual even with HER2 +, in my case my boob has high grade DCIS is all quadrants , then a small amount of Invasive Ductal Carcinoma grade 2 . My consultant said there would be nothing to be gained from doing chemo first . Nodes have initially come back clear but I know this can change after surgery . She said she’d be happy to offer lumpectomy but said they would probably struggle to get clear margins and there is a lot of DCIS so I’ve just opted for straight up mastectomy . I’m terrified of the surgery though . :see_no_evil:

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Hi @specialk2 Sorry you find yourself here , but the hurdle of chemo is thankfully now over xx How did you find managing the chemotherapy?

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Hi @specialk2

Welcome to the group. Sorry to hear of your diagnosis but pleased to know you have completed your chemo. Well done, it’s not easy but it’s doable.

Take the time before your surgery to recover as best you can from the chemo, most of all be kind to yourself. Having HER2+ treatment takes at least a year of your life, not to mention moving into Tamoxifen/letrozole and possible zoledronic acid/Zometa infusions. @salbert introducing herself with this thread has allowed many people to benefit from the support and guidance, or just some kind words knowing we get it.

@arty1 from the first time I read one of your posts until your last one here, I feel a change in you. Like you have a bit more control in your plan/journey when talking about having a mastectomy. Please correct me if I’m wrong. You seem more at peace with it, it’s your decision and you have to live with the outcome of your surgery and risk of more surgery’s or recurrence. Yes you listen to the experts but you need to be happy aswell. I had surgery before chemotherapy and was told had my tumour(s) been bigger it would have been chemotherapy first to shrink it before surgery.

Well it looks like the summer has gone, pouring with rain in South Wales.

Good luck to all those going back to school, I’m officially redundant from working in schools after 20 years. Normally I would be thinking about a training day tomorrow but I’ve got no plans and that feels good. I’ve made the right decision for me. I know I’m lucky to have the choice at 55.


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@naughty_boob I suppose you are right yes in that I’ve had a bit more time to put my head back on and think about things . Obviously the HER2 status threw me and I’ve been quite panicky since finding out , it’s almost a month since my diagnosis and it “feels” as though nothing is happening although the BCN assured me things are moving quickly . The wait to see my surgeon on the 10 th seems ages away .
I did call my Breast care nurse and had a good cry down the phone , she assured me the majority of my cancer was DCIS so not to worry as the invasive as small, however I had a letter on Friday ( to my gp with copy to me ) saying that if I chose lumpectomy they would need to do a biopsy on my nipple area which hadn’t been biopsied , so more panic thinking oh god is there is a huge tumour there ! I know they said it was full of calcifications but 4d mammogram didn’t identify a mass but your brain goes into overdrive !
I’m happy with my decision to have a mastectomy , I always liked my boobs but if it’s a matter of life or death then it’s a no brainer !
I will press the surgeon for info re an implant but I’d rather be alive more than anything than worry about one less boob , I don’t know how I’m going to feel when it’s gone , that’s the honest truth … but one thing I do know is if it’s trying to kill me Ill be relieved to see the back of it !

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I’m pleased you were able call your breast care nurse, mine is an angel.

I can understand it’s another spanner in the works hearing they want to do another biopsy. I had to have a second biopsy on my left boob after the an area of concern was found on the MRI. It’s not unusual, they want to get the full picture, as much as they can, as surgery can find others things.

As I was bilateral (both) which is quite uncommon, about 5%, I was referred to genetics and it was negative. I was just unlucky. My surgeon to,d me that a lumpectomy/ wide local incision had the same outcome as a mastectomy and I keep my boobs. I agreed with a lumpectomy knowing that if my genetics was positive I would have a double mastectomy and ovaries removed, but I didn’t need to go there. I need annual mammograms for 5 years and of course be breast aware. I don’t know what the future holds but know that if I get a recurrence, mastectomy is on the cards, but that’s a what if and I’m trying hard not to do that anymore. Having a mastectomy isn’t always plain sailing, I only know this from Dr Liz O’Riordan who has had recurrence on her chest and had her implant removed. She’s full of great information that is PIF ticked meaning it’s reliable.

Obviously speaking to your surgeon, who will have discussed your case with a MDT and probably done hundreds of operations will have a good idea what will work for you. But it’s also your choice to decide what is right for you.

We are here for you on the forum as well as all the other great support on the BCN website and the nurses helpline.


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