HER2+ and need some buddies

@jaffaboob What a great response to your belligerent boob. Giving it the name jaffaboob is like reclaiming it rather than letting it have all the power, if that makes sense. It’s such a frightening time and yet you will find the funniest names on this forum. I feel like retaining a sense of humour is one of our best defences.

@sawabev I’m so sorry to hear this and you are getting one of my big virtual hugs again now. In fact this is an extra special one because you are having a really horrible time of it at the moment. Lots of us have been given medication to help us through this time. I have and I do believe it has helped. Mine is called Mirtazapine. Why don’t you call one of the Breast Cancer Now nurses on here tomorrow morning between 9am and 1pm. They are on 0808 800 6000. I’m sure they will have an idea of whether you can take an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety medicine with Tamoxifen. You are in the worst bit of the breast cancer journey. I promise that you will feel better once you are on the treatment path. Keep pushing to get what you need. In the meantime, do everything you can for yourself. Go walking with music that lifts you, listen to podcasts, keep talking. Call your GP to chase up the mental health doctor first thing Monday. By then you may even be able to tell them what you can and can’t take with Tamoxifen as you will have spoken to one of the BC nurses from this website. This time can feel like wading through mud but you must keep putting one foot in front of the other and we will be cheering you on, mud-spattered on the sidelines from the times we have also waded through the mud.

I can’t believe I am off on holiday tomorrow. I feel that I can finally breathe and relax after my life was turned upside down back in November. I could hardly believe I had to go through it all but I have and I did and I am and YOU WILL TOO.

Love and strength,



Hi all

I’m back from holiday, all tests done and ready to start my treatment on Monday! What a way to spend bank holiday :face_holding_back_tears: will be glad to get the first one out of the way. I’m Pleased my heart scan came back okay! I think I was more worried about this.

Picc line has not been put in as they couldn’t do it before Monday so waiting for the next round to have this.

I am now starting to feel a little anxious about first chemo and phesgo injection. Worried about the initial Administration, and initial panic, once it’s in and i havnt reacted to it, I think I will cope.


Have an amazing holiday, you deserve it xxx

Well yesterday was an experience. Nothing to do with cancer - makes a nice change.
Went to Leeds festival for the day, unfortunately 3 stages got closed. Still had a good time and saw what we went for - Catfish. I am officially old, but still happy getting down with the kids and, well, squeezed in a kid sandwich while we all sing our hearts out. Walked my legs off and queued loads to get in there, paid extortionate amounts for food and wine, but managed it all fine. Growing old disgracefully still. Cancer can do one :slight_smile:



@lilly123 Did you have a lovely holiday? I did exactly the same just before I started chemo. I remember thinking how bizarre it felt to be relaxing and enjoying myself just before entering the lion’s den. Of course you will feel trepidation but you’ll get through it. They should be able to give you medication to mitigate any side effects and people on here can recommend what they did, as will the ladies on your August Chemo Starters. You will form a bond with those women as you go through it together. I have a WhatsApp group now with a bunch of my February Chemo Starters and we are still celebrating milestones. I am about to message them all to celebrate the first shoots of eyelashes returning! Happy days! Best of luck and we’ll be rooting for you.

@entropy Good on you! That’s the way to do it. Get down with the kids and sing your head off! :smile: Love it. Cancer can absolutely do one. I intend to be a disgraceful old lady too. In fact, I aim to excel at it. We should definitely get in training now.

We have our summer party at our local pub today and there are 3 bands and a DJ. Just what I need before a drive to North Devon via Winchester tomorrow. Because I am damn well going to party. I care not whether I get soaking wet in the rain. I am out to have a 100% good time.

Happy weekend everyone,



@sawabev im sorry to hear all the rubbish that’s been happening. From my own experience you need to advocate for yourself. It’s crap I know. You shouldn’t have to chase people especially the GP when they promise to call back, but unfortunately you’re not their only patient. As far as anti depressants and tamoxifen, I’m no doctor or medical person, but the British Menopause Society recommends some for treatment in hot flushes and my breast care nurse suggested one for me ( I can’t take due to other medication). Could you call and speak to the pharmacist? Maybe you managed to chat to a BCN nurse as suggested.

@salbert enjoy your holiday, you deserve it.

@jaffaboob great name. Yes I get side effects for 3/4 days with Herceptin. Your Phesgo is Herceptin and Perjecta so similar. I know someone who gets symptoms on Phesgo, but as usual, everyone is different.

@lilly123 glad you had a nice holiday and thinking of you next week.Chemo is not great but it’s doable. You’ve got this.

@entropy well done for going to the festival, I’m not sure it’s for me. Life is for living after all this cancer stuff.

Happy bank holiday everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi Jill,

I just wanted to say I hope all goes well with your mammogram on the 30th August. If it helps, I was one of those who also didn’t have chemo and I have just had an all clear result for my third year mammogram. My diagnosis was similar to yours; HER2+, 9mm idc, lymph nodes clear and no vascular invasion. I had a mastectomy as opposed to a lumpectomy and radiotherapy. I have to admit, not having chemo played on my mind constantly in the beginning, but over time this has faded and I can’t believe how little I think about it now. I am still vigilant, but it takes a back seat to the rest of my life.
Wishing you and everyone else on here, all the best xx

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Hi All, I’m glad to hear some of you are having holidays and hope everyone is having a nice weekend and can try to forget some of the challenges we have all had. I’ve just had a fairly normal week, no chemo, although did have mag seed and trace put in prior to op on Tuesday, eek I’m getting a bit nervous about it now. I managed to get out to some local artists exhibitions for Hampshire Open studios and walk along the beach as well. I’m beginning to get taste buds back too. I had almost forgotten what normal life is like and i dont know what came over me i gave the kitchen a thorough clean! I hope i’m not too much of an invalid after my therapeutic mammaplasty, so wish me luck.

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Hi Moon and waves. Thank you for your reassuring words and best wishes. Its so nice to know that we may not all need chemo for a successful outcome.
Long may you continue to have those all clear mamogram results.
All the best Jill

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Thanks @naughty_boob. Its actually herceptin injections i will be on too. I will have had 6 rounds of herceptin and perjeta IV with the chemo, this is followed with herceptin injections only for another 11 rounds which pretty much brings it up to year mark.

I was chatting with someone who has triple postive lobular bc yesterday and has been on same TCHP protocol as me. Shes fine on herceptin injections but then she wasnt esp nauseous with chemo and iv herceptin and prejeta, so im not counting my chickens yet. It can only be an improvement i’m guessing

I have a great pharmacist who has walked this walk so im gonna chat with her tomorrow and then reach out to oncologist.

After reading about people hopping into bushes, had my own close shave with brown trouser moment on friday. Was nearly 3k from home on walk with excitable dog, getting horrendous cramps and wearing white trousers :scream:. Its a riverbank walk with a busy road on the other side and nary a toilet in sight! Was like a ghost and sweating profusely by time i made it home. Back on the immodium now :sweat_smile:

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@entropy i soo miss gigs and this sounds great. Delighted you’re getting back into the swing of things. Stories like this keep me going. X

Oh dear @jaffaboob it’s bad enough needing a no1 let alone a no2 when out and about. Thank goodness for Imodium :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hi @salbert i did what you said and rang the bcn on here and she was so helpful. Going to try and get in touch with gp tomorrow and see if i get anywhere. Hope you have a great holiday. And thank you all for the advice :kissing_heart:

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Hey, does/has anyone found that as they are continuing their Herceptin treatment (after the active stuff has finished) general health has taken a bit of a nosedive? I find myself with random low level sniffles, sore throats, upset tummy’s, exhaustion. None of which stay for very long but feel very much like the Herceptin is having a cumulative effect. I suspect my tamoxifen sleep thief doesn’t help! My oncology team are aware and aren’t worried, I’m just feeling so depleted by it. I’ve got 5 more to go!

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Hi all

Had my first treatment today all went well.
Howver have very high blood glucose this eve 26 and so thirsty and weeing loads!

Also leg pain from the phesgo injection did anyone else have this? Xx

I would suspect your frequency of sore throats etc are due to your lower immune system. Chemotherapy knocks it really low but Herceptin can also lower your white blood cells that fight infection but not as much as the chemo did.

I have found that I hunkered down and wore a mask while having chemo as it was over the winter months. Since February/March after having another Covid Booster I’ve been out and about as ‘normal’ but am very cautious about people who are coughing and spluttering. I have had a lot of sore throats, croaky voice and sneezing but that could also be pollen/allergies. The upset stomach is a definite side effect of Herceptin/phesgo.

The exhaustion and fatigue is a mixture of Herceptin/Phesgo and your Tamoxifen/Letrozole/Anastrozole.

I found this:Cancer-related fatigue is extreme tiredness and exhaustion that doesn’t go away with rest or sleep . It can affect you physically and emotionally. It’s a very common side effect of tamoxifen and may last for weeks or months after your treatment has finished.

I have 1 more Herceptin to go and was informed it could take. 6/12 weeks for my immunity to return to normal.



Thanks for replying :heart:
1 left…I keep visualising how I’ll feel when I reach that milestone!
You’ve said what I suspected, I just need to accept that for a while yet I’ll still be physically vulnerable. X

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I counted down my 12 weekly chemo and then started with Herceptin in January, once I got to 9 I knew I had less to go than I’d had. That was a big moment. I will be so glad when the final one is done but still have to accept a little while longer being vulnerable.

It’s hard being vulnerable but I felt it better to protect myself than catch something that would make me feel awful, put me in hospital or delay my treatment. Some people live their life to the full even in chemo and that’s their choice. It’s not for me.

You do what is best for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes @naughty_boob i did the same, i kept away from friend gatherings and didnt do any indoor dining. I saw friends individually for a while. I have a hepa filter for lounge, mainly for when my granddaughter comes to visit, as you know 2 year olds are reservoirs of infection. I wore a ffp2 or N95 mask when out shopping. I was already covid conscious because my daughter has long covid and the last thing she needs is to get again and reduce baseline. Ive been fortunate ive not hsd any delays to treatment, infections or hospital admissions. Although i know you can still take all those precautions and still get sick.
Just had my op yesterday, came home last night all trussed up with pressure dressings PICO and snug fitting post surgical bra which stays on for a week. Dont feel too bad today, although not really up and about yet. Good news no lymph node incolvement seen on OSNA.

@marionse - havent heard from you a while, are you okay. ? I think you said you were due to have op today but were getting a second opinion. Hope all goes well for you. Big hugs, ouch that might hurt!



Just wanted to reply about the leg pain after Phesgo injection question. My first two I felt were rushed and they were both very sore afterwards - I had what felt like a dead leg and it was sore in general around the injection area for days afterwards. My third one I told the nurse and said I think they’d done it too quick before, and she went really slow. Massive difference - no dead heavy leg and no pain in the days afterwards. Maybe worth asking them to go slower with it :smiling_face: