HER2+ and need some buddies

Hi @marionse25

I’m pleased you managed to get some sleep last night.

Sorry you’ve been mucked about with your appointments, hopefully it will all sort itself out.

Just back from a busy morning volunteering at local foodbank.


Hi @pennyp @salbert and @naughty_boob

Thank you for your lovely messages

@pennyp it seems you have been a bit ambitious and done too much indeed. I have just gone for a walk, only an hour at what I consider a slow speed, and wven that seems too much for my body ! Take it slowly.

@naughty_boob Well done for volunteering at a food bank. I live in a deprived area of London and wish I could volunteer too. My diary was too busy before BC, I had to put my ceramic artist job on hold since chemo, but contnued to work in my office job until surgery day. I was told surgery would be easy compared to chemo but to me it is not!

@salbert yes I will keep on asking questions, my surgeon always gives vague answers so let’s hope he will be clearer when I see him.

Have a good rest of the day Everyone

Marion xx

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Just had to mention the living with secondary breast cancer now group in sunny salisbury i went this morning second time omgod its utterly brilliant

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Do try and get to your nearest honestly its soooo worth it

Hi @thalia That’s absolutely brilliant that you’ve found a group that is so helpful to you. Breast Cancer Now is a fabulous organisation and let’s face it, if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t have all found each other. I went to Salisbury for my birthday last October. I think of that wonderful weekend as my last bit of blissful ignorance as I got my diagnosis in early November. Salisbury is such an interesting city with mindblowing history. Now that makes me think that I must put some thought into my forthcoming birthday. Where should I go this time? We have to go the first weekend in November this year as it is half term so I won’t be teaching. Any suggestions?

Why dont you go to the south coast? Its glorious

Hi, i was told as mine is high up that i would have a lumpectomy aka breast saving surgery. I feel so lucky to have this option. I’d not heard of it before, but a colleague had same 5 years ago.

Last one of 20 radiotherapies today. So that’s surgery, 6 months of chemo and radiotherapy done. Phesgo and hormone therapy ticking along but the very disruptive, intensive stuff is done.
Don’t feel quite how I expected but realise I’m lucky to have had all the treatment and to have got through it all (don’t want to sound ungrateful).
Thought I would post that on here as my family not really understanding that this is quite a momentous day but with odd feelings.
Not looking for lots of replies or validation just thought this was a safe place to share.


Hi norts

Nice to hear that you have reached the end of the more difficult stuff. I can sort of understand that it’s a bit strange. I suppose life has revolved around appointment after appointment and treatment, something that’s been such a constant for a while, and now it’s pretty much over, save for bits and pieces.
I am in the middle of my journey. Surgery back in May, now having chemo, and will need radiotherapy at the end, as well as herceptin injections and letrozole. I can’t wait till it is over.
All the best

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@bigpickle Yes, I think you are right. It’s odd not having an appointment schedule. Like you I will have injections for a while yet so not completely released into the wild.
Well done on your journey to the middle of treatment and hope the second half goes well.


Morning all

@thalia South coast is always good. I’m struggling to find a new bit though. We have a camper van so are always off in it. I fancy a city that I don’t know very well. Like Salisbury last year! I must get my thinking cap on.

@jayveebee Welcome! They do try to save the breast if they can. I think we are all lucky that breast cancer has had so much research and work done in this field and there are developments all the time. Have you had your lumpectomy yet?

@norts Here come your celebration emojis…:partying_face::champagne::raised_hands: Massive well done for getting there and I look forward to being where you are. My radiotherapy starts next month and I am not looking forward to getting tired all over again now that my energy has returned. Nobody really understands until they have walked in your shoes and this is absolutely the place to post how you are feeling. I think it helps us all because it validates our feelings. Whilst I am looking forward to the day my treatment is over, (I’m with you there @bigpickle and I think your comments are bang on) I’m not looking forward to being kicked out the nest because there is a security in having my team at the Marsden and they have become part of my life. Thanks for sharing your feelings. I guess everyone thinks you should be celebrating to reach that milestone, but it’s such an emotional journey and one which none of us wanted to undertake. It’s not so straightforward as cheering at the end and just getting on with life. It changes you forever.

It was a year ago yesterday that I discovered my hot, red, hard boob as I got ready for bed and the year since then has been horrendous, awful, wonderful, humbling, emotional, joyous…oh so many things. I guess it takes a while to process it all. But the one thing I do know is that we have each other and that, for me, has been a major part of what has got me through this year.

Love to you all,


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Hi @norts
Yes it is a big moment and need to be celebrated :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

Being on this cancer journey is not easy which ever treatment plan you have and so many people around us think the treatment is done or they become ‘bored’ of the ongoing treatments or worries. They aren’t us, we get it, we’ve been there.

Do something nice for yourself, slap a bench @salbert or treat yourself to something to remind yourself how hard it’s been and that you survived. I bought a necklace and earrings set for my last chemo, when I wear them I rub the surface and everything I’ve been through.

You did it :clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses:


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I’m sitting here feeling sorry for myself, I’m achy all over from my LAST Herceptin. Yes, 18 done! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:

Internally I’m screaming from the rooftop but my body is not complying. I’ll do something nice next week and find a bench to slap! I had a little cry yesterday before the nurse came and after she left. It is a momentous occasion, 18 cycles, one year of treatment and tomorrow the 14th is the anniversary for starting chemotherapy.

I’m so looking forward to not having the side effects but like most of us know we still don’t with hormone blockers and next month I have another infusion of Zoledronic Acid. Treatment continues in some form for another few years.

I’ve made some butterfly cakes today, needed a treat! Homemade cake has no calories, right?

Sitting watching a movie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Another one at the end of the journey pretty much. Well done , just a shame the minds willing but the body isn’t! No cake has calories :wink::wink:

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@naughty_boob Fantastic. 18 / 18. I’m delighted for you. Well done. I’m going to go for a walk and slap every bench I pass on your behalf.

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Hello everyone - I’m sorry I’m a bit behind, I got the call last week that dads probate had been granted then it’s a mad rush to get house clearance quotes , the house up for auction etc… so we’ve been non stop.
I then had a brainstorm at the weekend , freaking out that I was going to be dead before my surgery . Then got my date through for September 23rd . Relief and absolute dread has hit , the realisation that I have cancer and that I’m having a mastectomy , plus I’m terrified of having operations … what an absolute pathetic wimp I am :cold_sweat:

@naughty_boob congratulations on that amazing milestone , I think celebratory cake is free from calories !

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Hi @arty1

Sorry you had a tough week. That is a lot to take in.

I am so happy you have an op date!

I am absolutely scared of surgeries and most of us are! I was in tears on op day when my anaesteaist came and then fitted a cannula. I have a needle phobia and difficult to find veins and I made it and you will too! My OH thought I was ridiculous to think I would not wake up. Well I did! Your medical time will be caring and lovely on operation day. Do ask queations and please share any worrieanor concerns you may have and they will help.

Try to get your body and mind busy until the 23, so things you enjoy and time will fly.

I will be in your pocket

Big hugs

Marion xx


Well done @naughty_boob what a big milestone!

And no better way to celebrate than a homemade cake! No palm oil or nasties is way better and tastier, and I agree on the no calories!

Take care
Marion xx

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Oh dear @arty1 thats a lot to deal with. I was sole executor for my Mothers’s estate who died in 2021 and then my brother died in 2022. I had just taken control of the house 6 weeks before I found my lump and then put it on the market, sorted through personal possessions and then had a house clearance. My brother’s family were a nightmare and had manipulated my mother so she didn’t leave me anything in her Will, my father had passed 6 years prior to her so he had left 1/2 of his part of the house to me and it was held in trust so my mother could live there until she died. We exchanged contracts before I started chemotherapy and didn’t complete until my 2nd week of Paclitaxel and was told if anything happened to me, my family would be liable for breach of contract as the sale wouldn’t be able to process until my probate. I had to agree that my solicitor could tell their solicitor about my diagnosis but not tell the buyer. I didn’t want to share my diagnosis but needed to as they wanted completion after my 4th treatment and I couldn’t have that risk or stress for 4 weeks.

I hope you can get things sorted without the hassle and stress I had to deal with. It’s not easy dealing with loss and selling a family home let alone with a bc diagnosis.

Hurt my back yesterday and needed codeine, which I hate, probably made worst with my last injection and side effects.

Hope everyone is getting a big of sunshine, at least it warmer today.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@norts and @naughty_boob
Whoop whoop,great to hear you’ve both passed another milestone on the cancer journey.
Definitely presents and cake (of any description) if it means you are celebrating.
How our lives have changed at the 1year mark .
I hope to be on holiday Oct 23rd; my first anniversary of suspecting my lump was cancer.
Enjoy the sunshine you lovely ladies xx