July 2024 chemo starters

Well done walking the mile! Every movement helps build strength :muscle:t2:

I started at 15% less for both Docetaxol & Cyclophosamide then Cyclophosamide reduced by another 5% as we couldnā€™t get the nausea under control

Iā€™ve had my surgery already with one node macrometasitis. My chemo is based on my risk of reoccurrence from PROSIGNA test we paid for (didnā€™t do the trial in the end ) + damn node

I had a PET too so this is how we decided on TC x 4 vs EC X 4 Pax x 4 and discussed the dose

Definitely donā€™t feel worried if this is suggested

Lots of women are on reduced doses to balance chemo & itā€™s toxicity

And you have been through a lot

My friend (who is BC medical onco) told me chemo is like vodka. You can give the same amount to a few ppl & all will have differenct tolerances and reactions

Shame chemo isnā€™t as fun as cocktail :partying_face:

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Morning all,

Well my last of 4 x TC was on Thursday.

There is no bell at my place but I gave my lovely chemo nurses a treats basket and hugs.

It all feels surreal and think I need to process it all. I felt kinda flat. Iā€™ve had so many messages saying hooray youā€™re over the worst bitā€¦ but I donā€™t feel it. Odd.

I also cried when leaving the unit. There is a weird safety net there. Although I will be going there monthly for my ovarian suppression injection to start with and 6 monthly bone infusion :wink: So they are not rid of me yet.

Appointments are coming in left right and centre for next steps (radio, endocrine & first ovarian shot) so feel like I need to get up to speed on the options. I know ā€œdr knows bestā€ but there have been times Iā€™ve had to advocate for myself .

Just been reading re side effects re Letrozole (on my treatment menu) can be brand based. The generics have a lot more fillers etc

So swotting up!

Hereā€™s a pic of me using that horrible cold cap one last time - purple lips included as I iced my hands and feet to mitigate neuropathy

I hear you can ice eyebrows too or use Vaseline to help the shed if anyone is out for more tips. I found out too late haha

Going to see what joyous day 3 side effects are in store so Happy Saturday all



Congratulations @idcan49 on getting through your last one! :clap: :bouquet: I cried on my first look at the chemo ward and probably will on my last one too! Great photo, I am not sure how you look glamorous with the cold cap & ice mittens but you do!

Good luck with the next steps. It sounds like you are doing your research.

Is it ok if I ask how have you found EC? Was it you that tried fasting to help with the side effectsā€¦

Great news @idcand49 . I have the same Orla Kelly scarf, good taste.

I agree with you about the people that say you look great and donā€™t look like youā€™ve had chemo. I cold capped and kept most of my hair but losing your hair isnā€™t the only side effect! :angry:

I have read that not all centre have a bell as they have realised that some people do not ever finish their treatment and it can feel a bit isolating for them. I didnā€™t ring a bell at the end of my chemo as I was at a satellite unit with no bell. There was a bell at the radiotherapy unit, and me not trying to draw attention to myself gave it a little ting ting. A lovely lady Iā€™ve met through this forum suggested ā€˜slappingā€™ a bench in the park for finishing her treatment. Always available.

Iā€™m on Letrozole and had many side effects. Iā€™ve found Accord brand works best for me but Iā€™ve also had to have treatment to stop the hot flushes. I wrote this nd will keep it updated as needed.

This might be worth reading to see how it affects others.

The charity www.menopauseandcancer.org also have lots of resources on their website and podcasts.

Take care and be proud of yourself for completing your treatment :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Ladies, anyone hear receiving treatment for HER 2 Positive Breast cancer? By the time treatment started gone to Adrenal gland and Spine wanted to know is there hope although prognosis is grim?

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@goodfriend There is a thread with lots of people with HER2+


Hi. Because i felt well fri i drove up to north Yorkshire with my boys. My husband has been there all week with commitments but it was killing him not been home when i wasnā€™t well. Glad im here. Went for a countryside walk. Wow the fatigue set it. Im shattered lol. But still feel im over the worse. Also think oncologists said reduced EC by 20%. Not sure about Doxetactel but i will tell him how it affected me when we speak next week. Xx


Bless you it is a lovely pic. Im not sure how i feel about ringing the bell either maybe because thereā€™s still treatment and tests in the future. Will i ever feel cured?? Even though they said they removed my tumor and my treatment was necessary just in case. I feel cancer is going to be always hanging over me. I wonā€™t let it take over me if that makes sense xĢŒ


Yesterday and today has been the tiredness and aching ā€¦ gritting my teeth!!! 8 weeks to go xxx

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Iā€™ve binged the perfect couple as well.

Iā€™m supposed to hear about hormone plan next time I see the consultant in 2 weeks time so will see what that entails.

It sounds hard going but we have to trust in the science xx

I love the idea of slapping a park bench. I can just imagine brave women all of thhe country slapping wooden benches!!
Clare xx


Forgot to mention earlier. I was due a regular eye test couple of months ago and my optician said because chemotherapy can affect eyes wait 2 to 3 months after treatment finishes xx

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@idcand49 didnt even know you could do the prosignia pre meno. I also was 1 node positive so didnā€™t qualify for the onco test. I think my grade 3 plus pre memo means i definitely need the full hit of chemo!

Well done on finishing your chemo already! So jealous - still have till end of November! :see_no_evil:

@cf640 hope you donā€™t mind me asking - have you been put off cold capping for the EC cos of the hair loss? My ec will be coming up soon so just interested to know your thoughts behind it? Xx

Is anyone else who started chemo in July still having treatment till November like me? Xxx

Hello lovely ladies, hope everyone is ok. Currently feeling a bit crappy and sorry for myself. As you all know i was admitted to hospital on the Wednesday and sent home on the Thursday. I can honestly say it was an awful experience purely because i felt like i had to fight the entire time i was there to get the nurses to listen to me. They turned my IV saline off so i could go to the toilet (because i kept bleeding back down the line everytime i stood up) and then kept forgetting to turn it back on which meant my blood clotted in the line. So later on when they went to flush the canula through, the clot tried to go into the line and it really hurt. I told them this 3 times. 3 times!! And they ignored me.
Eventually a different nurse listened and realised i was right and not overreacting so they changed it. Absolutely ridiculous. I was on a ward with loads of sick people (people being sick, coughing etc) and they said ā€œits this bed or no bedā€
I even offered to go home and come back every 6hrs to have more antibiotics via IV so they could give that bed to someone else but they didnt go for that.
Sorry. Im venting. :rofl::rofl:
Anyway. Came home on the Thursday, was discharged with co amoxiclav. Well this morning Iā€™ve woke up with a lovely cold. Fab. Iā€™ve spoken to the out of hours oncologist and they said to keep an eye on my temperature and how i feel, if the temperature goes up or i feel worse then i need to go back.
Well i have to say, i feel like my head would have to fall off in order for me to go back!
Has anyone else had a common cold during all of this? Any tips on how to cope without paracetamol? Ive been told not to take that because it can mask a temperature.


How does icing the hands and feet work? Do you get them at hospital or take them in? If you take them in how does that work? Thanks.

@kerrylou1 my last chemo should be 22nd October - so will be a couple of weeks after that before I feel like itā€™s actually finished .
Good luck getting through yours .
Iā€™m at a point where Iā€™m thinking - only 2 to go but yak Iā€™ve got to do this again twice ( itā€™s making me feel v rubbish)
And then also thinking - eek only 2 more to go - I hope itā€™s had some effect ! Anyone else feeling nervous about that ? I will have a scan at some point soon but not sure when - then will be the scanxiety waiting to see ! :pray::crossed_fingers:

@zaran thats sounds terrible - hope temperature stabilises and you recover. - take care

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Aaaaaand if it doesnt rain it pours. Back in hospital because i caught covid the last time i was here :+1:t2::+1:t2: heads are gonna blinkin roll im telling you.


Hi @kerrylou1 - my chemo doesnā€™t finish till mid November. Iā€™m on cycle 3 of EC now and start 9 weeks of pax on 23rd. I had a 1 week delay as had COVID during round 1 but feels like i still have a long way to go xx

Just wondering if anyone has any tips for dry/ painful eyes. My eyelashes have just about completely fallen out now and my eyes feel so sore. Any tips would be massively appreciated xx

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