HER2+ and need some buddies

Hi ladies weird talking about the kadclya
Im freaking out a little. I got my results from double mastectomy on thursday and even though my MRI showed nothing at all i cant help but feel scared for my results. Scared they are going to tell me i will have left over cells.
Did any of you ladies have any signs or lump left after chemo? On your scan? They said mine showed a complete radiologist response meaning no signs on mri scan. Anyway i spoke to my nurse today because i am freaking out and she said no results back yet anyway and im going in thursday so then naturally i am getting paranoid. I feel like i am losing it today :sob:

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@jeml I know itā€™s hard but try not to worry until you have your results. Itā€™s surprising how stress can affect your whole body including healing after surgery, sleep.

I thinking positive thoughts in your behalf. Your scans were good after chemotherapy so Iā€™m sticking with that.



Thank you for the response! People around me are feeling confident that there are no cells due to my response on my MRI as my lmyph nodes was back to normal after 3 rounds and lump half size. Then after 5th round my lump had totally gone. I need to chill out! X


Has anyone got any tips to prevent nail damage? I had bad nail damage with Docetaxel which has taken a while to get back to sort of normal after a couple of months post chemo. Iā€™m due to start Kadcyla after the second surgery and have heard it also damages nails. X

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www.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk do a hand and nail course.

I had Paclitaxel and was advised on the course to moisturise Sutil and nail with an oily balm and moisturise hands and feet at least once a day, prefer twice a day. With chemo they recommended painting them with black or dark nail varnish with a strengthener and top coat, remove and reapply every 3 days. Not sure if that is applicable Kadvyla. If you get any sores or nail peeling away from the beds use Vicks Vapour rub as the camphor in it helps with infection and inflammation. It worked for me, I had minimal nail damage.

Hope this helps. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@galdiolus Congratulations on your last chemo !! Woohoo!!! Is there any other treatment to gone ?

@jeml sending you a big virtual hug ā€¦ Itā€™s so hard navigating this sh*t show but doing it with little ones ā€¦ I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be ā€¦ youā€™ve been through so much so please donā€™t be so hard on yourself ā€¦ itā€™s early days after your surgery still and donā€™t feel guilty about a night out because you deserve it ! X

@salbert I wish I had done if youā€™d r edgy as you are always on the go ! I managed to get an emergency dental appointment and my dentist out a temporary filling in but reassured me that although broken ā€¦ it as just enamel and inky a tiny bit had come off . She can reattach the bridge but I said Iā€™d rather wait until Iā€™ve finished chemo . So appointment booked for a month after my last chemo .
Saw my oncologist yesterday and she said although itā€™s minimally invasive (just the anaesthetic jab ) best to wait until after chemo for the dental work and sheā€™ll arrange bloods before hand so we know my levels are recovered enough , she also reassured me re my heart scan . She said the report said that although she was unable to measure my EF , the muscle was working fine and my heart was pumping well but to reassure me sheā€™s arranging another echo .
Pre chemo bloods today and I must admit all the respiratory bugs worry me so Iā€™m masking up to go anywhere inc the hospital . My 14 year old has a lovely snotty cold at the moment so Iā€™ve told her to stay away from me :rofl:

@jessybessy hooray for last chemo too ! X
@jane13 I was advised that wearing dark nail
Polish can help protect nails


Whoop whoop thatā€™s amazing! I love the glam pink feather boa! Hope you are getting some rest xx

Hello everyone, happy Wednesday.

I too am waiting for surgery results - I had a lumpectomy and node clearance on 28th November and still donā€™t have results. I phoned them on Monday to chase and they said there had been a ā€˜complicationā€™ with results and that it needed to be signed off by a senior consultant and then relisted for mdt this Friday so hopefully results will be available next week. I had a major wobble at the word ā€˜complicationā€™ and have convinced myself thereā€™s residual cancer. This then led me to spiral into a very dark hole which culminated in me convincing myself that I would never be free of cancer and that I would die while my children are still young and need me. I have managed to put that thought/fear back in its box, but the lid isnā€™t on very securely and Iā€™m feeling much more emotional than usual. Itā€™s just the waiting, which makes your mind wander. And the limbo.

Iā€™m beginning to worry that Iā€™ve made the wrong choice having a lumpectomy. Iā€™m 39 and now wondering whether I shouldā€™ve had a mastectomy. My surgeon told me that I was at no greater risk whether I had a lumpectomy as opposed to a mastectomy but Iā€™d appreciate any positive stories from anyone out the other side who had a lumpectomy.

Sending lots of positivity to everyone xxx


@arty1 thanks for your message. Yes SMX in February hopefully with DIEP. Last check I was told unlikely will need radiotherapy but meeting oncologist and breast surgeon next week and week after to discuss plan. But all being well DIEP early to mid February and of course Phesgo for another 12 cycles xx

Awww i know exactly how you feel! I spoke to my nurse yesterday and i said to her can you give me results and she said no well they not back yet and i would not expect them to be till thursday ( thats when i go in for results ) anyway i dont know why but it did not make sense to me and i freaked out about it. We are so easily triggered arenā€™t we. How are you feeling today? My op was the 18th decemberā€¦ i not too bad and thinking a bit more rational today with it all. Here to chat if you need it! You have to be 100% on a mastectomy and they make sure you are. From the start of this sh*t show i wanted one and i been telling my nurse all along. I had a double mastectomy with me being young but that was my choice to make. They did offer me a lumpectomy but i did not want that but thats my personal choice x

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Thanks ladies for your messsges re: Kadclya, can I ask, did you have it administered via a PICC line, port or cannula? I had a PICC line for 6 months and really donā€™t want another so hoping I can go the cannula route!!

The results are in.
I have had a total pathological response and he said i am officially cancer free.
Im over the moon!! And i cant stop crying. :heart:


@jeml Hooray. Fantastic news :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Iā€™m sorry you are having to wait such a long time, itā€™s so frustrating. The word complication would rightly set all of our minds into a spin.

Iā€™m sure the team will want to look closely at the results and decided if something more needs to happen, you wonā€™t be the only one this has happened to. @salbert had multiple surgeries and eventually had a mastectomy.

I had bilateral ( 1 tumour in each boob) and I had a lumpectomy with clear margins and no lymph node involvement. Iā€™ve had my first annual mammogram and that was clear. I was also told the risks were the same for both surgeries even though I had two separate primary cancers which is only 5% of all bc. So thatā€™s my positive story.

Thinking of you and hope you get the news soon.


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Hello my friends

@galdiolus I LOVE your pics!! What beautiful and happy photos. I love that we share these milestones. Thank you for that. :champagne:

@marionse25 @isthisreal and @kartoffel Thanks for sharing your experiences and doesnā€™t it just go to show how different those can be.

@jeml - More brilliant and happy news!! Double hooray! :partying_face:

@jane13 My nails also took a hammering. I am taking a Calcium and Vitamin D supplement and using a great little Body Shop Almond Nail and Cuticle Manicure oil which comes as a pen with a brush. Youā€™ve just reminded me to put some on. I can see the good nail growing through again which is satisfying. Somebody else recommended coconut oil at the Moving Forward group. Our WhatsApp group is called Shit Nails as we were all moaning about it! :smile:

@arty1 Hang in there lovely one. Youā€™re going through the crap bit at the moment but you are doing it. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and know we are with you.

@purple_rain I also clocked galdiolusā€™ pink boa and the fab T-shirt saying Last Chemo. So good to celebrate these milestones.

@rrey Iā€™m really sorry to hear you are still waiting for results. That seems a bit cruel to keep you waiting for so long and Iā€™m sure I would have had a wobble at hearing that word ā€˜complicationā€™ too. However, it could mean that theyā€™ve just got behind or missed them or something which could be viewed as a complication for them but for us is mental torture. If you do need to become one of the Kadcyla girls then it is just a slight change in the treatment plan, still with excellent outcomes and you will be in the best company. If you have another wobble then come on here. Donā€™t let your mind spiral. Can you ask what they mean by ā€˜complicationā€™ in the meantime? I was told exactly the same as you, that a lumpectomy gave the same outcome statistically and there are masses of women on here who have just had lumpectomies and been fine. Sending you loads of positivity back.

Sending EVERYONE loads of positivity.



Thank you everyone. I get to see my baby grow and i feel like i have won the lottery :heart: so happy.


@rrey please donā€™t panic , I can assure you as an ex nurse that the word ā€œcomplication ā€œ most likely means ā€¦ not read properly ā€¦ thereā€™s an admin error . Or even ā€¦ possibly an error with interpreting results ā€¦ it doesnā€™t mean ā€¦ theyā€™ve looked and itā€™s bad news and they are too scared to tell you xx honestly ā€¦ I know Iā€™d be feeling terrified too and Iā€™m sending you a reassuring gentle hug x

@jeml well isnā€™t that just the best news ā€¦ how utterly wonderful ! :partying_face:


@jeml i am so so happy for you :heart:


Thanks for your reassurance @jeml @naughty_boob @salbert @arty1 this is such a supportive forum and Iā€™m so grateful to have found it.

I think my resilience has just taken a battering. Itā€™s a tough old road isnā€™t it, but I know that we are tougher.

@jeml i am so so happy for you. Congratulations!! You must feel on top of the world :tada::tada::tada:



@rrey - itā€™s hardly a surprise .this whole thing just exhausts you and breaks you down ā€¦ . but in the words of chumbawumba ā€¦ sing . :notes: I get knocked down , but I get up again :notes: