HER2+ and need some buddies

Glad your bloods was normal, i also had my bloods tested and mine was normal too. Thank god!
Once i finish my radiotherapy i will defo have a look into it
Im not too bad thank you. A little sore and achey now and again. My skin feels sore and tender. But my movement is a lot better plus i started doing a bit of house work again. X

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I am feeling very happy, had my bloods today and all good for my final chemo tomorrow! I cried when I got the go ahead. On to the next chapter for me which is mastectomy and another 12 Phesgo injections every three weeks :smiling_face:


Hello my dear friends and a big, warm welcome to @jessybessy - Great name! Iā€™m glad you have found us because we are a super friendly bunch with one crap thing in common! Our shared bit of crapness may try to get us down but together we have a wonderful way of kicking its arse into touch and lifting each others spirits. Never underestimate what you are going through, itā€™s bloody tough. However, I am one of the women who has just had the most fabulous Christmas and New Year made 100 times better because of how awful I felt this time last year. Iā€™ve always hated January but today I said to my mother that I feel like itā€™s a wonderful month. This journey sure does give you perspective. Like @naughty_boob I also had counselling and did the Moving Forward course. Invaluable and highly recommended. My counselling was through BUPA and Moving Forward was at my local hospital. Iā€™m sure you could do the online one over there in Qatar.

@Linda_Corinne - Hickman line out. Tick!! Nice one. Thatā€™s another step.

@arty1 - Thatā€™s all a bit pants, isnā€™t it. Talk about kicking a woman when sheā€™s down. Sometimes life sends you a sh*twave, and then another, and then just as you are climbing back out it sends a tidal wave of the stuff. Are you ok? Did you manage to get some help today? I hate to think of you crying. One of my hugs coming your way.

Oh @jeml - Get you! Whit-woo! You are absolutely right that we will have good days and bad days. Itā€™s that whole learning how to dance in the rain thing, isnā€™t it. You look amazing and I love your spirit. In no time at all you are back out there with your gladrags on having a drink and a dance. And THAT is how you stick two fingers up to bc, right there! Bloody well done. Iā€™m really sorry that after a night out you had all the stress of your Dad. Seems a bit much just when you were doing so well but what did I just say about lifeā€™s sh*t waves? How is he doing now?

By the way, I would have done exactly the same as you and gone for a double mastectomy. Look at me, I ended up having 5 operations on my right boob and I wish theyā€™d just given me a mastectomy in the first place. I asked if I could have the other one done too but was told that statistically it wasnā€™t better for me to do so. However, if Iā€™d been told yes, then I would have done it.

@galdiolus - YES!! Thatā€™s a good feeling when you get the go-ahead for the final chemo. So you know for a fact that this time tomorrow you will have finished chemo. SLAP A BENCH!!! (If thereā€™s no bell.) And if you get the chance, post a pic on here of you doing it so that we can get all emotional with you.

And now I have to take a glut of vegetable lasagnes round a friendā€™s house. My brother was rather over-zealous with his role of cancer dietician when I was going through chemo and I really need the space back. Hope he doesnā€™t read this!

Love you lot,



Thank you @salbert i did not know if it was too soon and i found myself feeling guilty the next day a little. I did get lured in and have the odd drink but i did not get drunk and made it home before the snow came. It was good seeing people though for the first time.
He seems better than he was, the drugs they gave him controlled it. He his at hospital tomorrow morning at half 8 for further tests. Hope you had a good weekend x


Having another emotional moment tonight. My girl wanted Mummy so she fell sleep in my bed holding my hand. Just laid here watching her and i could not help but shed a few tears. I would do anything for her and i need her as much as she needs me. Its hard having little ones and going through this :smiling_face_with_tear::heart:


What a beautiful precious little angel you have there @jeml. I remember well the absolute dread and terror that I would not see my son reach adulthood and he was 14 at the time. Your little angel is so young and of course it makes you feel emotional. How could it not? Especially as you canā€™t explain it to her. One day she will look back and appreciate that you were all kinds of awesome coping in the way you have during this time. As for feeling guilty for going out and having a good time after a miserable and traumatic few months, you wash your mouth out and donā€™t ever let me hear you say that again!! :smile: That will have done you the power of good. What you did was go out and live. And itā€™s because of our heartfelt desire to live that we are going through all this treatment. Everything crossed your Dad will be stabilised and ok on the drugs they give him now.

I had a great long weekend in the New Forest. Back to reality today and a horrible amount of emails. Part of me hankers back to the peace of working from home and the empty washing basket!



Aah I have final chemo today too! Will be cheering you on! Zx


Absolutely. Let us know how it goes :smiling_face: xx

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@jessybessy woohoo to us both! Letā€™s go smash it :muscle::bell:


@galdiolus @jessybessy Thinking of you both today with your last chemo. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank. You :heart: Iā€™m here now x


Hello ladies,

Iā€™ve been told I need to have Kadclya, has anyone on here had this, what side effects have you experienced and was it given as an infusion or as tablets?

No but have done some research in case I need to have it. It should be given to you as an infusion but is apparently only 45 mins - nothing like TCHP. Side effects are also supposed to be minimal in comparison to TCHP and itā€™s very good at preventing recurrence.

There is a Kadcyla support group on Facebook apparently.

Thanks love! All done now and feel so much better now itā€™s over. Just waiting for drugs to kick inā€¦


How did it go? X

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@jane13 - Hello and yes, we absolutely have some Kadcyla girls on here. @kartoffel @marionse25 @haymil @isthisreal are currently or have been on it and with varying experiences. Hopefully one of them will see this and answer you. All lovely women who Iā€™m sure will be happy to share.

@galdiolus and @jessybessy - YOU SMASH THAT FINAL CHEMO!! Cheering you both on.



hi @salbert and everyone,

First of all I wish us a better year, may 2025 be kind to everyone.

@jane13 I had tp move to kadcyla after phesgo due to residual cancer. I am not the best example and donā€™t want you to worry as most patients do well with Kadcyla. I have had to stop after 2 infusions due to major SE.

First infusion is 90 min then the rest is 30 min although a lot of patients ask for a longer 60 min infusion. Kadcyla was tough for me, I would happily have 16 EC taxol again than this. I am switching back to phesgo on Friday, until August.

I joined the ā€˜kadcyla supportā€™ private FB group which you may find useful.

Everybody is different and you wonā€™t know about SE until you have had it.

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@jessybessy @naughty_boob @salbert all done now :bell:


Hi @jane13,

Iā€™m on Kadcyla and have had 3 infusions so far. I found the ECT chemo so horrible and this is nothing like that. As far as Iā€™m aware, most people get on ok with it. And they start you on the highest dose so if anything becomes too bothersome they can drop you down.

I havenā€™t had any big nasty side effects but get quite a few minor ones: a bit of nausea after the infusion, dry mouth, an occasional strong headache, constipation, eyesight a bit blurry when Iā€™m tired or looking into the distance (my optician says this is due to the eyes being drier) and feel in general a bit grotty for the week or so after the infusion, but not so bad that it stops me doing much, I just feel less good while doing it.

Hope that helps and that you take to it ok x

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Thanks for the tag @salbert :smiling_face: Iā€™ve just had Kadcyla cycle number 5 of 14 (14 is the standard course, but some oncologists adjust the number if you have had herceptin or phesgo before surgery, mine didnā€™t). Itā€™s an infusion, so if you are like me and had your picc line out pre surgery, youā€™ll probably want to either get a new one or have a port put in. I switched hospitals in between my first chemo and surgery, so my new oncologist told me he would prefer a port.

As far as side effects go, itā€™s largely been okay for me. I go to the centre, have my infusion for 30 minutes and then go home. The first two were over 1:30 and 45, just to make sure I didnā€™t have any issues but so far itā€™s been uneventful. I take off the morning when I have my treatments, but usually work from home in the afternoon and I lead a C25K running group in the evenings. Iā€™m tired and have a teeny bit of nausea but I canā€™t really complain too much. The Kadcyla support group on FB that @marionse25 mentioned is good for finding out more information and asking any questions but remember, like most support groups, it largely skews towards those that have issues. Iā€™ve never posted anything there because I donā€™t really have much to report.

I think itā€™s worth giving it a go and seeing how you get on, you can always switch to herceptin or phesgo if youā€™ve got bad side effects.