Hi I’m Ali 52 from Glasgow, had biopsies done at breast screening recall 12 days ago. Had my appt with surgeon on 5th march, I have Her2 + (no special type) 5cm but no lymph node involvement. So plan is chemo then surgery then Radio. Met with oncologist on 5th march, wow I was emotionally drained and overwhelmed with all the information. 11th march got Echo, 12th march oncology double appointment to sign consent forms and discuss blood results, I’m type 2 diabetic too. Also been tested for BRACA so need to see what happens there. 17th march breast MRI then end of march chemo starts. Paclotaxel for 12 weeks then Phesgo for 12 weeks. Has anyone had paclotaxel? I’m scared stiff to be honest. Any advice is appreciated.
Hello ali, i was diagnosed in october 24 with her2 + estrogen + progesterone + im having tchp chemotherapy and then surgery. I have my last chemotherapy this friday
There is a her 2 group on here there are a lovely group of supportive wonan all with her2 + if you jump on there the ladies will be able to help you with any questions you have xx
Link to the Her2 group
Hi Shannon thank you for replying to me. Sorry you’re going through this too. So this is your last chemo, I bet you’re glad to be coming out the other side. I have found the Her2 group and have posted, hopefully I’ll get some questions answered. All the best on the rest of your journey xx
I have posted on your other thread.
Aw thank you, much appreciated. It’s taken me ages to write a post as I didn’t know how to do it ha ha. Useless with technology. X
Yes cant believe its my last one will be glad its done yes there is a great bunch of ladies on there
all the best with your journey xx