HER2 + Stage 2

Hello All, 

I was diagnosed with stage 2 HER2 + on the 17th May.  I turned 56 in June.  For me, it was a total shock and disbelief as I thought I was looking after myself really well with no family history. 

It took me a while to accept whilst I was subjecting myself (going with the flow) to a whirlwind of rushed appointments + treatment plan.  I am prescribed the works - ECx4/Docetexal, the mab’s etc/antibodies/surgery/radio etc. (all with the proviso that it may be chopped and changed). 

First EC 26th June (was very anxious putting toxins into my body) - cold capped (not too bad), nausea constant companion and hit/miss with toilet (got laxatives). All a bit frustrating but energy surprisingly good.  My ears feels like they need to pop (like on a plane). 

Daily walks/gentle yoga/meditation/strength training (when I can as I was so into it before BC was diagnosed).

I am just putting one foot in front of another and not trying to look beyond a day or so or making plans (surreal feeling still).  Lots of experimenting with food/drinks.  I still work and that helps stop me from ruminating.

On to the next cycle, 10th July 

I thank you all for sharing your experiences/symptoms/tips etc and wish you all the very best with lots of love :heart: 

Hi! Welcome! Hate that you’re here but glad at the same time ? Good luck with your treatment. It sounds like you’re doing quite well with it thus far and have a great attitude. All any of us can hope for.

Thank you @Kay0987 - a few people have said that being positive helps so I am trying and hoping but also under no illusion that at times, this can be more/ less challenging x

Personally I think trying to find way in which positive thoughts easily flow through your life is important. But of course there is no way possible that will happen all the time. There will always be difficult moments but knowing you have support when you’re there is vital. You have it on this site.