Hello All,
I was diagnosed with stage 2 HER2 + on the 17th May. I turned 56 in June. For me, it was a total shock and disbelief as I thought I was looking after myself really well with no family history.
It took me a while to accept whilst I was subjecting myself (going with the flow) to a whirlwind of rushed appointments + treatment plan. I am prescribed the works - ECx4/Docetexal, the mab’s etc/antibodies/surgery/radio etc. (all with the proviso that it may be chopped and changed).
First EC 26th June (was very anxious putting toxins into my body) - cold capped (not too bad), nausea constant companion and hit/miss with toilet (got laxatives). All a bit frustrating but energy surprisingly good. My ears feels like they need to pop (like on a plane).
Daily walks/gentle yoga/meditation/strength training (when I can as I was so into it before BC was diagnosed).
I am just putting one foot in front of another and not trying to look beyond a day or so or making plans (surreal feeling still). Lots of experimenting with food/drinks. I still work and that helps stop me from ruminating.
On to the next cycle, 10th July
I thank you all for sharing your experiences/symptoms/tips etc and wish you all the very best with lots of love