Herbal Tea/Tamoxifen Interactions?

Hi all. I hope I am not being paranoid, but I read that camomile can interact with tamoxifen. Camomile tea has been my staple bedtime drink for a while and really helps calm me down…but now I am stressing it will make the tamoxifen less effective. Does anyone have any knowledge/advice on this? I have also been drinking a kombucha drink by No1 Living which also has camomile and ashwagandha in it (the ashwagandha I had never heard of til recently!) which also can affect things I think. I am a bit gutted as this was really genuinely calming me…but if it is going to adversely affect the medication then I don’t want to have it. :pensive:

Hi ,when people ask the nurses on the forum about interactions with supplements or herbs they refer them to certain websites for info , not a lot of research has been done on these things however .
Will copy you a link to the most recent nurses post I can find with these links and info

Thank you. Just found something Liz O’Riordan put on Tik Tok too. Sounds like camomile tea can have an adverse effect :pensive: Might be a once in a while rather than a nightly cuppa for me!

This is interesting, prescribed Tamoxifen 3 weeks ago after stopping Letrozole (nasty drug)due to side effects. Still not started taking Tamoxifen just keep looking at it. I take a lot of herbal teas so will look further into it before I decide when to start meds thank you

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I would add my oncologist was quite relaxed but I have read more than one reliable source advising caution which is a pain. I am mainly drinking green tea through the day and then maybe a decaff normal tea in the eve. I think redbush is ok too (mention of phytoestrogens but then they are in everything and don’t think we need to panic too much on them). I did love my nightly camomile though so bit fed up.

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Hi Blue80

I’ve not drunk green tea since I read somewhere that it reacts with exemestane!
Of course, I can’t find the reference now I’m looking for it again. :roll_eyes:

Can anyone out there confirm if green tea is ok?

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I don’t know about the drugs other than tamoxifen unfortunately. I hope someone else can give you the info on that. There is a lot of research that it makes tamoxifen work better!

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Thank you! It’s all so complicated, isn’t it?!

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