Does anyone know if they will delay my Herceptin because of a cold please? I have come down with a stinking cold today but am due my 9th Hrceptin on Wednesday and really dont want it delayed. Anybody got any experience of this please?
I was allowed my Herceptin with a stinking cold. I thought they would keep me away as I could have infected other people having their chemo…but no…!
Oh good thanks Sandytoes x
Anything more than a weeks delay means that you go back to square one with a loaded dose and a 6 hour stay in the unit too - just like your 1st dose of herceptin!
Eugh, I have mine at home so its not so bad usually about 2 1/2 hours for the loading dose (I’ve had 2 loading doses already due to surgery) but would like to avoid another one if at all possible. Any ideas how to get rid of a cold in 2 days?
If I were you, I’d give the unit a ring and let them know you have a cold and ask if they want you to come in still. I’m sure they’ll say yes. They didn’t delay FEC for me when I had a cold, can’t see them saying to stay away from Herceptin.
Since you have your herceptin given at home I would have thought you would be ok as no chance of you sneezing over anyone else. Here in Norfolk/Suffolk we don’t seem to have the option of home-based herceptin unfortunately, but 6 down and only 12 more to go!!!
I had a streaming cold before Christmas when I was due to have Herceptin and because I didn’t want to go back to a loading dose and also because I have only 3 more left there was no way I was going to miss it so made sure I had a good cough and blow of the nose before going into the Day Unit and sat there quietly having the treatment hoping no-one would notice my cold. Luckily I got away with it and it didn’t make my cold any worse, so would advise you to do the same if at all possible.
Well I saw my nurse this morning for my blood test and mentioned it but she said that unless my bloods were very bad it would go ahead. However I do feel much better today and haven’t had to sit with a tissue up my nose as I was yesterday so all is looking good. Thanks for all the responses it makes you feel much less alone. Xx