Hi, this is my first time posting and I apologise if this has been asked before. I was diagnosed with HER2 positive breast cancer in January I had 4 cycles of FEC followed by 4 of Docetaxel, Herceptin and Pertuzamab, the last being next Monday. This is to be followed by surgery and radiotherapy. I’m then due to receive another 14 doses of Herceptin and Pertuzamab by infusion, one every 3 weeks. I’m wondering if anyone who has received these targeted therapies in this combination can let me know how it was? I have looked up the side effects for them both and they don’t appear dissimilar to those of the chemotherapy drugs, but my oncologist suggests there will be no problems. I am keen to get back to work so would love to hear from anyone who has done this whilst on Herceptin and Pertuzamab, and also will the combination prevent my hair growing back?! Many thanks.
I only had Herceptin by injection but I can answer some of your questions. Your hair is not affected but you may suffer with aches and pains and if so take claritin hayfever tablets. Here’s why:
You will be there longer with the IV obviously. Also I gained weight due to water retention but it comes off when the treatment is over.
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This is my first time posting I was diagnoised with HER2 positive breast cancer in January started 4 cycles of Herceptin pertuzemab and doxetaxal and then 2 cycles of FEC should have had a 3rd but decided to have an allergic reaction to the 6th cycle. I had mastectomy and reconstruction on 2nd September and awaiting radiotherapy. I started my targeted therapy 7days ago and the last 2 days I have felt rotten with headaches , diarrhoea, metallic taste and now a sore throat. I am hoping to avoid hospital but when I called they advice to take same precautions as chemo checking temp and taking paracetamol. I wasn’t warned you could become neutropenic again with this therapy was anyone else?? I was told I would feel a little tired but no side effects like chemo and I feel very similar and worried now about returning to work as I work as a nurse . I dont know anyone in my area who’s on this new targeted therapy and not sure if this is normal or not?