Im coming to the end of my FEC-T chemo and started Herceptin on no4. The first herceptin i had nearly didnt go ahead as I had a high temp, chest infection and cold. I also had diarrehea on the day which Im not sure was because of the chemo or the herceptin.
This time I havent had the diarrehea but Im really bloated and feeling like a beached whale. Is this normal for herceptin??
Can I suggest that you give your medical team or breast care nurse a call so that you can discuss your symptoms with someone who knows your medical history, this may help to put your mind at ease and also provide you with something to relieve the side effects.
I have been on Herceptin since last Jan. I too have had lots of bloating and swelling of my midrift. I often react to the treatment but not enough to stop it. You find as the weeks pass after the treatment it gets alittle easier to deal with. I have mine every 3wks and find nearer to the third week I can manouvere alittle better. funny I had to miss my last one and had it a week later, was only saying to my family I could tell I hadnt had it because I could move more freely and didnt feel like a beached whale!!! Just had it this week and within a couple of days couldnt bend my fingers or move my legs properly. I know in a week I will be less stiff and as the weeks get nearer to my next treatment I will begin to feel alittle better. If I am honest I have hated what the herceptin has done to my body more than my mastectomy!!! We need it so I will put up with it. Should say oncologist usually say it is unusual to swell from herceptin but I have, have been on water tabs for months as both the chemo and herceptin had me swelling no end, I also take a daily antihistamine. During chemo they did inj antihistamine into me also.
Your not going crazy, if you read the american sites they are full of the swelling on herceptin.
best of luck Im sure you will be fine, just make sure you tell your BCN or oncologist so they can check it out.