Just writing for a bit of advice.
My mum finished her chemo just before Christmas and now she is waiting for a date for surgery and is on Herceptin every 3 weeks. She was due her next infusion this week but it has been pushed back till next week because they want her to have a heart scan. I know they need to monitor her heart on a regular basis but is it ok that her Herceptin a bit later then the 3 week time line? Worried that it might affect the effect of her treatment.
Hi Kat,
This is nothing to worry about. The maximum between two infusions is 4 weeks, so if it is delayed a bit it does not matter.
When on herceptin we have heart scan every 3 months. If the scans shows a drop in the heart capacity below 50% of the baseline ( the baseline being her first scan), then herceptin ismeithe stopped or just postponed. In my case i was given a month off, last ear to let my heart recover. When there are more than 4 weeks before treatment, then a new loading dose is administered.
Wishing you both all the best.