Herceptin Monotherapy Adverse Reaction

Hello Everyone,
I had my first Herceptin (Trastuzumab) injection last week and by 10pm I was in A&E with a high fever.
Has anyone else had a similar reaction? It’s five days on and I still don’t feel so great.
I weigh less than 50kg. Could the standard dose have been too much? Not very keen on having another, especially as my HER2 status post surgery had changed from positive to negative. Feeling confused about what to do. Does it get better after the first one? Love Tulip x

I’ve had Herceptin a couple of times and not had the reaction you describe. Did the hospital check your weight before you started? I know they do that for chemo to control the amount you are given.

I think you need to contact your oncologist to discuss this, particularly as it appears your HER2 status may have changed.

Hope you feel better soon

Hi Tulip,
How are you feeling now? I really hope the bad reaction to Herceptin has subsided for you now. I haven’t ever had a reaction like that to Phesgo or Kadcyla, although had the first 6 at the same time as Docetaxol and Carboplatin and felt pretty dreadful anyway.
Hugs to you.x

Hello Nellby73, I am feeling much better now except for my left thigh (the injection site) which feels as if I am carrying round a lead weight. I’m sorry to hear what a massive cocktail of drugs you had to have all at the same time. What a brave woman you are! I wish you all the very best. Love Tulip x

Hello Scientistamafier, Thank you for your reply. I’m glad to hear that you were OK on the Herceptin. The hospital did check my weight but I was told Herceptin is a standard dose regardless of BMI which is a bit of a worry as I am 5 feet tall and only weigh 48kg. The oncologist is going to call me next week, before the next injection is due, to discuss the situation. I have asked her if it is safe to have another and whether the dose can be reduced. Hope the rest of your treatment goes well. Love Tulip x

Did they give you antihistamine as it was the first one ?

Hi rabbit28, i had no premeds with the first injection. Before the second one i had 2 paracetamol, 8mg dexamethasone, and 4mg antihistamine. My temp went up 7 hrs later and my eyes swelled up the next day. Oncologist doesn’t seem bothered, says to carry on and that she will check up on me mid march. Tulip x