Herceptin No 18 - Snap, Crackle and a slilent ping.....



Well I had Herceptin No 18 yesterday so no more three weekly treks to the chemo ward.  I first went to the chemo ward in Nov 2016 and it is not coming to the end of April 2018 - 17 months in total.  In an ideal world of original treatment plans, it would have ended in February.


Well there was no fanfare, no fond farewells or the like and I feel quite indifferent about it at the mo. 

I am glad that I don’t have to plan my life around a three weekly appointment for now.


Regards to all x



Congratulations Chick1 and Well Done you.

Can I ask you did you feel really low on the first week of the Herceptin? I am due another 8 months of this sub cutaneous wonder drug every 3 weeks( i have had 6 doses IV) but I get really low mood and feel the world especially my 36year old daughter is against me. The exception being my OH ( on this occasion !!).

If it is the drug then thats ok i will just have to get on with it.




Well done on reaching the end of Herceptin ???xx. A little fanfare for you! Long way off for me yet only 4 down so far but your post gives me hope ?.

Moysieann, sorry to hear you are feeling low. I don’t think it has affected me that way so far. I get a runny odd feeling nose thennit goes dry after a week or so and I get an upset stomach for the first couple of days as well as achy hips.
Hope it settles for you xx

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Thank you Moysleann, Chaffinch 17 and Jay68 for your kind responses. Best wishes to you all with your Herceptin journeys and to all other Herceptinites!! ?