I had a PICC line fitted before I started my chemo as there was a problem getting anesthetic into my veins when I hade WLE. I am now on Herceptin and still have the line fitted. Most of the time I can cope with it and actually forget I have it there. However it is really starting to get me down. Now that my hair is growing back I want to be “normal” again, but it is so difficult when other people can see I am still having treatment because of the line. It is hot, gets sore when the dressings are taken off for it to be cleaned. I want to be able to wear nice clothes without having it showing. I want to be able to have a bath or a shower without having to think about it not getting too wet. I went bowling last night and had to use my left hand, and that was just another reminder.
I am just wondering if anyone has had a line for chemo but had it removed for Herceptin and if so how did they find their veins stood up to the Herceptin.
I don’t know how long you are on Herceptin for, but if it is going to be a while and the picc line is getting you down, is having a port a better option for you? Many of us have them and once they have bedded in you are almost completely unaware of them.
I had a central line which I insisted was removed after chemo for the same kind of reasons and also because I wanted to be able to swim. Where I live they will not usually insert ports for adults but finally agreed that if there was a problem with Herceptin, they would put one in for me. However, it wasn’t necessary as they used a good vein inside my elbow. They wouldn’t use a vein there for chemo but it is ok for Herceptin.
I was really worried about my veins when I finished chemo and had to start Herceptin. My Onc was confident that it would not be a problem as Herceptin is not toxic and would not cause the same problems as chemo. She was right. I’ve had only one but they used the smallest canula and it was fine. I have found that my veins are much better now that i am starting to excecise agin. Just simple stretches hurt at first but are easier now. I would have it out and enjoy being well.
I can really sympathise. I also hated the PICC line and managed to put it off until about the 15th Herceptin. Although they could find a vein for the op things got steadily worse the more chemo and Herceptin I had until in the end they couldnt even find a vein using ultrasound. Have you asked about ultrasound to find a vein. Failing that a portacath but they are like an implant under the skin and stay there forever and you have to be trained to flush them out yourself about once a month I think. But I do understand because once I had a PICC line fitted everyone kept coming up and saying “ooh what have you done to your arm” not what you want at all. Really made me more depressed and the nurses didnt understand at all they just wanted to get the stuff into you and make it easy for themselves I came to the conclusion. I do not think it makes any difference whether it is chemo or Herceptin it is because veins have dried up due to continuous use. I now have great difficulty with blood tests as nurses have a job finding a vein for that now.
I have my next Herceptin tomorrow at home and also have an oncology appointment in the afternoon to discuss my hot sweats so will ask the nurse in the morning and onc in the afternoon what they think.