Herceptin results

I wonder if anyone can advise. I was diagnosed on 20th June and i’ve had my op and results apart from my HER2 test. Should this really take 2 months??? I’m fed up of waiting,
Thanks JulieXXX

I was dx on 8th May. Got my results at my first onc appt after my first chemo on 1st June (so I assume they were ready before that). I am being treated privately so don’t know if that makes a difference.

When are you due to see someone next . Or can you call to ask

Good luck
Sharon x

I asked my oncologist 2 weeks ago and she said there was a backlogg!!! It seems too long and i am beginning to think its because it may be positive and has gone for further testing???
What do you think?
Julie X

I was diagnosed last October and started FEC in November. I got my Her2 test results first week in December. I finished chemo in June of this year and have my 7th dose of Herceptin this week. I finish next April.


I was dx on 16th July with bc and then on 26th July that had spread to liver, and told by my Macmillan nurse via email about 10 days ago that I am sensitive to Herceptin and will be put on after my chemo - this is all via the NHS. Dont think 2 months is what you should be waiting, it can obviously be done a lot quicker. I would chase this up.

Hope this helps.

My her2 results took roughly 4 months and this was quite normal (Dec 05 and laws just changing on testing all tumours) but I did have an extra wait due to being borderline and resent for the FISH test. I got my result through after session 2 of 6 FEC following mastectomy and FNC, this then immediatley changed to 4FEC and 4 Taxotere with the herceptin starting alongside the Taxotere. Her2 generally does take longer than the other results and treatments can be adjusted if needed, it is horrible waiting but the treatmnet can start without the result.

Debbie x


I was diagnosed in March but didn’t get my HER2 results 'til a good couple of months later, mid June I think.


Like Sharon, I am being treated privately and got my results on first visit to onc prior to chemo.


My breast care nurse tried to look up results today and cant find any, she thinks it may have been missed!!! More waiting I believe!
Thanks for your comments
Love JuliexXX

I had surgery on the first of December 2006 and got my results when I had first visit to oncologist 6 weeks later. love Eileen