Herceptin - with or after chemo?

Hi all

I had my primary dx in Jan 2012 and was then found to have secondaries in the lungs in Feb. So, I’ve gone straight onto chemo rather than have a mx first. The plan is for 2 x EC then a CT scan to see how things are going with a possible change in chemo depending on results. I’m having my second chemo next week.

This week my HER2 result finally came back - I’m HER2+. The BCN said that usually I’d get herceptin after finishing chemo but that my particular onc often likes to start heceptin alongside chemo.

I’ve no problem with my onc (in fact he’s seemed on the ball so far) but I’m curious as to what other people’s experiences have been - herceptin with or after chemo.



It’s normally up to the onc. It depends also on the type of chemo as there are heart issues with some chemos a swell as Herceptin. My onc gave me Herceptin after tax, because of my heart issues. But I know that lots of other people have Herceptin at the same time. I think there is some evidence somewhere that suggestls it is a bit more effective alongside, but I don’t think there is a hard and fast rule yet.

Good luck with the treatment. Some of the American forums like her2+ support are very knowledgeable about Herceptin and many women on there have found it to be a wonder drug, especially those with secondaries. I know Dawn on here has Herceptin long term hopefully she will post.


Hi there,
Grrr - i posted a moment ago - and it didnt save - the boards annoy me some times!
I will be having Herceptin and it kicks in on cycle 5 of my chemo (with my taxotere). The first infusions are given separately just in case there are any reactions and you need to know which drug is the cause.
After th first couple i am going to be administered the Herceptin at home.
I start my chemo tomorrow so all the above is what the plan is (as told to me by my Onc).
Hope that help a little.

Hi historygirl,
I have herceptin for a primary diagnosis and started mine during chemo. I was on FEC-T and began the herceptin with my 1st Tax, after the 3 fec. I’m sure I read somewhere that the E in fec could possibly have a detrimental effect on the heart and so can herceptin. So I thought thats why they started it when the chemo changed. Good luck with it all xxx

If you’re on FEC or EC, they won’t give Herceptin concurrently because of potential heart issues. They DO give it alongside Tax. After you’ve finished your chemo you’ll carry on with the Herceptin, but it’s nothing like as troublesome as chemo, and I feel fine on it. Tomorrow’s my 13th (I think).

You are likely to also have MUGA scans to check your heart’s efficacy, but they’re a pretty crude tool with quite a wide margin of error on the results. They’re dead easy and not traumatic at all, though you have to avoid hugging or cuddling small babies of pregnant ladies for 24 hours, and if you’re going through airport scanners within a week you need to produce a letter from the hospital in case you set off the alarms. But for almost everybody it’s a very easy treatment to have.

Thanks all. I’ve said it before (and no doubt will say it again) but this forum is fantastic.

Della x

hi ladies,
i was dx with secondries 5 weeks ago i di have problem with my heart last nov i could not finish the last three so had a break four four months and now on heart tabletd, and back on herceptin five weeks ago along side with taxol for lung mets will be having a muga scan every two months, and having another ct in four weeks to see how things are going.
lorraine x

I was diagnosed with mets at same time as primary and started straight away on Docetaxel x 6 along with Herceptin (no surgery). Finished chemo now and continuing with Herceptin for as long as it is working and tolerated. My onc prefers to give Herceptin from the outset but it cannot be given with all types of chemo due to risk of cardiac problems. I believe a fairly recent trial showed the combination of chemo and Herceptin was more effective than one following the other.

I haven’t had a single reply to my of my posts yet? Maybe I’m doing something wrong
im on number nine of herceptin and my latest muga scan said I am borderline at 54% so they may postpone my treatment for a month or two
has anyone else had to stop
