

Herceptin Hi everyone,
I jusy wondered if you are on herceptin how many treatments did u have in total I have iot every 3 weeks and am just tring to work out when it will all be over I have heard in total you have 18 treatments is this right??
Love Clairemm x x x

Hi Clairemm,

I have been told I will be having Herceptin in three weekly cycles for a total of 12 months (which works out at around 18 treatments) so yes, it is right.

Very costly too…my oncologist told me it cost around £20,000 to treat a patient with Herceptin for a year.

But we’re worth it eh??


1 AND 8 eighteen!! Hiya Claire,
Yeah 18 it is.
A walk in the park after chemo eh? :slight_smile:
Linda xx

18 Herceptin Hi Ladies
I have just finished 15 rads at christies. I am having 1 years herceptin 18 cycles starting Tuesday 29th May .I am also having a Muga scan same day going to be a long haul as i have to have a loading dose of Herceptin…
Take care Lindaxx