
Hi every one. I would like to ask if any one has had there cancer return while having Herceptin treatment ?
thanks X

Hi kippy

You may find posting this topic in the targeted therapy section gets more of a response as they are the ladies doing herceptin.
In the chemo thread, we are all still undergoing chemo and those of us HER2+ have not yet started herceptin.
Pixie xx

thanks for that pesteringpixie, the site has changed a lot since i last used it. XX

Hi Kippy.
Ive just completed my 18th and final Herceptin 2 days ago. However my best friend had Herceptin and only had 17 of her 18 and unfortunately her cancer came back.
Sorry to tell you this.
As you can imagine, Ive been terrified all the way through my own Herceptin, wondering if Id make it to the end, but I have!!!
Mandy x