Blimey, haven’t things changed!
Right side - Nov 1992 (age 29), needle biopsy, whisked in for surgery after being told they ‘didn’t know’ what the lump was. lumpectomy (sorry, I still talk in old terms) and came round to find they had taken some nodes too.
Roll on to Jan 1993 and no sign of any results, my Dr asked if I could chase the lab myself !! Week later & Dr came out to house to give me the results that it was cancer and lymph nodes were infected.
Radiotherapy and chemotherapy then quarterly/half yearly grope sessions for a few years till I was eventually discharged.
Left side - Dec 31st 2014. I had a recall letter from routine mammogram and from that 2nd appointment I have seen a huge change in ALL things. Screening advancements, surgery techniques, care and support etc etc
I had surgery 18th Feb (a two week pre booked holiday 20 Jan/3 Feb delayed things). Radiation injection, blue dye, wire guide only sentinal (?) node taken.
Grade 1, DCIS, 7mm but lots of pre cancer surrounding it to make 24mm
Node was clear
But not enough clear tissue taken so I’m in again on 11th Mch then waiting to hear when radiotherapy will start.
I wasn’t given any information about size, grade, lab tests etc in 1992/3. I don’t think the HER2 test was even available.
I jokingly said if the Drs can give me another 22 years clear I will be very happy. Reading some of this site I’m a little worried about things not going well for that long again.
Oh, and I had an implant 9 years ago which has started with capsular contracture. I had it checked out Jan 2014 but decided in early Dec that I wanted it checked out again as it feels worse. I’m putting that off a while as I want the left side sorted out first.
And now I will sound totally nuts as I don’t want more surgery till after the London Marathon which I have a good for age place in. Plus I’ve signed up for a 100k (62 miles over two days) in July. I’ll not be running anywhere near my usual pace but as far as I’m concerned I WILL be on the startline, and will get the the finish lines.
I think I’m on an ‘up’ day today!