Here we go again

Hello Heidi,

Try not to worry, I know its easier to say than to do, but I know a little of how you feel. I’ve just had several fibroadenomas removed for the second time, and I was petrified of having the operation, having had a bad experience before, but it has been such a positive experience. I look back at how much I stressed and worried, and realise what a waste of energy it was, because it all turned out to be just fine in the end. Just ask your guardian angels to be with you. i chanted “angels are all around me” over and over in my head as i went down to theatre - it really calmed me down.

You’ve definitely come to the right place here too - chatting to people on here has also really helped:)

i really do wish you the best of luck with your appt.

love, michelle

Hi ladies,

I went for my appointment this morning. Saw my consultant, and was sent for an ultrasound on both breasts. Was kinda hoping he was gonna say “yep, your ok, off you go”

But no, I have to go back in the morning for a core biopsy, then back in 2 weeks for the results of that, so I’m not out of the woods just yet. He didn’t let on as to what he thinks it is, just said he “hopes” its the same as before, and if it is we need to discuss the removal of it again. (sigh)

One thing I have to be thankful for, he is a very good consultant, he is very thorough and doesn’t mess about!!

Taking things really bad at the moment, cant sleep, falling out with hubby which I dont need, might get some sleeping pills actually, I’m exhausted running around after my 3 yr old.

Hope everyone is ok,

Lots of love

Heidi xx

oh hiedi i,m so sorry hon, you get some sleeping tabs and honey you have a great deal of support here, remember you are loved by many and you will come through this the waiting is the hardest hon

rant cry and shout whenever you want

big hugs

Fingers crossed for tomorrow Heidi,

you can join the non-sleeping club here, I’m usually still mulling things over sat at computer at 4 in the morning and then gripe at everyone when I’m tired. Its easy to fall out with hubbies at times like these I am finding it very hard to bite my tongue with mine at the moment.

Good luck

Di x


Good luck with your biopsy, hope the results are good. Am thinking of you.


Good luck, Heidi. I had my second biopsy yesterday (on other breast), so am waiting for results as well. Get them on Friday. Am thinking about you.

Good luck Emma and Claire,

And thank you to everyone else for their support, I really dont know what I would do without this site! I had my biopsy done yesterday, and am a little on the sore side today and look like I ve dont 10 rounds with Tyson, but hey, its got to be done! I’m sooooo tired and got around 3 hours kip last night (forgot to take the sleeping pills!!) thought I’d see if I could get off on my own, but by 3am and with my bed hopping 3 yr old, it wasn’t happening!

I’m going out to my art group tonight so that should take my mind off things for a while whilst I work on my new wolf for the exhibition which starts on the 1st… I have a long way to go to get it finished too! sigh! I’m too tired but I really need to get out of this house, I’m going stir crazy!

Heidi xx