Here we go again!

Hi all! Has anyone had TC chemo along with perjeta & herceptin? I was originally diagnosed in Feb 2016 and had FEC-T, Herceptin then double mx and then Tamoxifen which I came off after almost 2 years to have a baby. I went back on for 7 months then stopped as didn’t realise that my risk of blood clots is high and oncologist said that the risk of taking it was equal to the benefits. Anyway, here I am again 4 years later with exact same type and seems to be along my scar. Due to start my new regime in 2 weeks and very nervous about how my heart will cope a 2nd time round. 

C x 

Hi Cars0165 Thank you for your comment.

Sorry to read no one’s responded to this post yet, hopefully someone will be along to pick up the conversation soon.

In the meantime, you could call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 where our specialist nurses can support you. They are available between 10am-4pm from Monday-Friday, and 9am-1pm Saturday. Alternatively, you could post on the Ask Our Nurses section of the Forum:

Sending you our best wishes, Dan

Oh bless you Cara.  You’ve survived once, you can do it again lovely.  I have a colleague who had breast cancer, and got it again while she was pregnant.  She’s had all sorts of treatment too. 

I can’t offer any advice, but I wish you all the best with your journey second time around


Hi, It’s my 2nd time too (3rd if you count DCIS for which I had surgery and radiotherapy).

Last time I had 1 Fec followed by 5 TC, Radiotherapy and a year of Herceptin. Took Tamoxifen for 2 years. Gutted to have to go through this all again. Makes me wonder how effective the previous regime was though this time I’m HER 2 negative.

Good luck. Hopefully we’ll get through it again.