hesitate to open the apricot debate

hesitate to open the apricot debate

hesitate to open the apricot debate My bloke caring as he does is very keen on me taking the apricot kernels. He has read lots of anecdotal evidence on the web and has personal anecdotal evidence from friends (being an alternative sort of guy) but is anyone else convinced. I’m a natural sceptic but take his point that as there is very little money to be made out of them the drug comapnies will all be pushing to say they are useless or dangerous. Myself I am also tired of all therapies - reading about them, takign part in them, being told I ‘have’ to have them, doesn’t matter if they are complementary, chemical or surgical and I would dearly like to take my one and a bit breasts and walk away from the whole kit and caboodle but…

Caro if you type apricot into the search box at the top of the page you will get a load of info which amounts to don’t do it- see for yourself.
Best thing for you is to DO what you like, EAT what you like and get back to enjoying life. Tell the beloved he’s being an old woman and to snap out of it!
Sadly you must listen to what the medics have to say. Best wishes ,dilly

Hi Caro58 Hi Caro,

There is a Food Standards Agency warning about eating apricot kernels on the BBC newsite. Apricot kernels are often sold on web sites as cancer treatment. They certainly do kill cancer cells in a test tube but this is because the kernels contain cyanide. If you eat enough of them you will get cyanide poisoning!

The web site address is: news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/4901132.stm

As part of my work I see lots of young researchers and their research and those who are researching cancer are very committed people who are actually not paid very much considering their skills. Their research methods are constructed in such a way that they are challengable by others. Of the research I’ve seen, none has been funded by drugs companies. When the research is published in scientific journals scientists have to declare any interests, such as if they have been funded by drugs companies so that if there is any bias it too can be challenged.

The problem with listening to anecdotal evidence is that it is incomplete and untestable. Try contacting companies who sell the apricot kernals and asking them to send you details of how they record negative anecdotes (those who take apricot kernals and the cancer still returns), cyanide strengths and details of side-effects. If they don’t have a systematic, challengable method of recording these details and/or they are unwilling to give you the figures then be very wary of having anything to do with them; I would say that they are charletans simply wanting to make money out of you without regard for your safety.

If you do decide to take apricot kernels then please take the Food Standards Agency’s advice and take no more than two a day.

With best wishes,


I just posted about that on mistletoe thread Didn’t see your post. I got a book out the library about it - has your hubby read it? It says the same sort of stuff he’s read about and heard about.

It’s all a bit much ain’t it. I’ve nearly finished chemo, and told myself when I started that I would go on the Budwig diet (don’t ask!!) when I’d finished. But it’s all so complicated and means you can never be more than an hour away from your food mixer!


Moley the Budwig thing’s main bit is Flax oil-6 tablespoons- to pot of cottage cheese. Liquidise with any flavour that helps hide awful taste [tin pineapple good and bananas might-]and spoon some often. Not very complicated!
Will do you loadsa good with all that Omega 3. Enjoy, dilly

Make your own choice - always Whether your therapy is conventional or unorthodox, I do suggest you make your own choices. Just make sure you do the research beforehand so you can back up that choice, and that you are happy with your decision. No-one ever has to say ‘Yes’ to any of the treatments on offer.

As for apricot kernels - the theory is that they are dangerous, but so is chemotherapy and even Herceptin. Most likely more so.

The FSA ‘recommend’ only 1 kernel a day, but that is unlikely to do anyone any good really, is it. From what I understand, you need to get enough into your blood stream to make a difference.

I took 35 to 40 a day for about 3 months, in small amounts of 5 at a time. As I was taking high doses of vitamin C at the time, and that is acidic, I did not take the two together. Experienced sources suggested that I take 1 at a time, then two, and work up to the full dose over a week or so. They did not give me indigestion or anything which could be construed as a symptom or side effect, and my digestive system is quite healthy, as is my liver.

When I started taking Salvestrols, I was told the two do not work together, so I stopped the kernels, as I wished to take high doses of Salvestrols for a time, and there was more published science as to their use and benefits.

I am still around and kicking, and remember that the cyanide radical also occurs in cyano-cobalamin, otherwise known as vitamin B12. I even got to quite like the taste after a short while.

So I hope it goes well with you, best wishes.

Not at all happy with this advice I’m alerting you to this message. I’m not happy that anyone should suggest 35-40 apricot kernels per day. Someone could get poisoned. Please consider either removing the message or putting BreastCancerCare’s position as far as apricot kernels are concerned.

For DarkLady Dear DarkLady,

Please don’t recommend that people do this. Neither of us are medics and so we should be very careful about what we recommend, especially if the FSA (Food Standards Agency) have reservations about apricot kernels.

I’ve reported the post to BCC because I would like their view on the matter. Sorry to be so abrupt but we need to be careful here.

With very best wishes,


Take Advice Hi all

I am giving the link which Supersue referred to in her earlier post here again:


This documents refers to a statement issued by the Food Standards Agency which outlines the potential dangers of using apricot kernels.

Breast Cancer Care stongly advises that those people considering taking apricot kernels as part of a complimentary therapy approach, do not do so without first consulting with their medical professional.

Further advice can also be obtained from Breast Cancer Care’s helpline:

You can call the helpline on 0808 800 6000
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards.

Online Host
Breast Cancer Care

We certainly do need to be careful… Sue - we certainly do, which is why I suggested starting at one kernel at a time, and working up to 5 or 6, as advised by people who are used to dealing with them.

I doubt the FSA have had any experience at all with apricot kernels, so wonder where they get their ‘information’ from. Controlled clinical trials? We could wish for the moon!

One of the biggest problems in the cancer treatment debate is that of closed minds, owned by trained scientists, who will not think past the prevailing chemical drug paradigm. It would be a great shame if a person visiting this site asking questions about her options, should be dissuaded from trying an old remedy which just might work, because the rest of us try to make her afraid. Especially if (s)he might just go the whole way and try juicing and a good diet of organic fresh foods to go with it.

I doubt greatly whether apricot kernels are more dangerous than chemotherapy, Tamoxifen, or even our favourite, Herceptin. These drugs can have enormous side-effects, and can even be lethal. We forget the gentler remedies, and mostly lack courage to try them.

As well as the kernels, Caro might look at curcumin 2 gram a day, green tea 2 grams, lysine and proline 5 grams a day, and CoQ10 120 mg at least, in the morning, and plenty of vitamin C. Her choice of course, but something to investigate.

Sorry to lecture, but we need both sides of the debate putting.

Conventional vs Orthodox Hi not sure if you have come across my posts at all but would be interested to know exactly what you have dealt with by way of breast cancer - diagnosis and treatment from medical sources - how you you arrived at your decisions and what you think to the ‘adequate not excessive’ approach I am trying to adopt regarding my own treatment.

Wed 14th I am booked for first of 15 radiotherapy sessions - still researching case histories like mad - but accept arimidex may be my best ally apart from hanging on to my own immune system in tact.

Would appreciate any ideas advice or suggestions for further investigation.

This ‘disease’ is exactly that DISS EASE - makes us all walk around with the word FEAR in front of us obliterating all normal life at times.

Thanx for your postings

Hi Gabbie Hi Gabbie,

This is a very interesting question. If you don’t mind I’ll answer it on a separate thread 'Gabbie’s Question.

Best wishes,
