hi age 28


ive never used one of these before so bare with me. ill start off by telling you guys about myself. im debbie age 28 from north east england and mammy to Darcyana age 3. My daughter has been battling a brain tumour since being 20 months old she was misdiagnosed for 5 months and almost died this left me with ptsd. i was diagnosed with SBC with bone mets and lymph nodes in april 2016 after being misdiagnosed. I as any normal human get scared when bad news comes or is on the horizon and my anxiety levels are through the roof im currently taking  mitrazipine to try manage it. Anyway i had 6 docetaxel alongside herceptin and pertuzumab and had a scan in september once treatment finished to be told lymph nodes are almost clear and primary tumour has shrunk by around half bones were healing. I feel much better than i did on diagnosis and have been having 3 weekly h & p to manage it. i seen my onc last thursday and she told me that my tumour markers are starting to raise slowly they were 77 and are now 100 and something. All other bloods are fine so she wants me to have my CT as it was due. This has put me into a complete panic im terrified this means the end of the road for me and im dying. I have good days where my anxiety is fine then others where i literally shake with fear of dying and seeing news stories of people loosing their SBC battles really set me off. Currently on tamoxifen too.

So hello from me i always read the threads on here but never joined until now xxxx

Hi Debbie, Jesus my lovely what a hand you have been dealt, I struggle to understand how so much can happen to one person but happen it sadly does! I’m sorry I can’t be any help regarding tumour markers but wanted to acknowledge your post and welcome you on board . there will others here on the secondary threads who will be able to help you more but we can all offer support and a virtual hug Xx 

Hi thanks for the reply
Ive coped fairly well considering but when I’m anxious like this I dont like to trouble those close to me in case I upset them I was doing well and feeling happy until Onc last week since I’ve felt really worked up its nice to meet you xx

I read that too its such a complicated and soul destroying illness too some days I could easily give up but that’s not an option when I’m called mammy xxx

Absolutely hun she is my world x

Your story give me goosbumps, i can only pray for you