Hi all, yet another newbie, not sure what's happening yet....

but had a biopsy done 17th June, no cancer cells in those but things aren’t right apparently. Going back this Monday for ‘deeper’ biopsy. Anyone got any ideas what’s going on?? Haven’t got a bc nurse because I’m just at the bottom of everything. This all started with my first ever mammogram in May (won’t be looking forward to these in future!!) Got to say I’m feeling very positive and unscared at the moment because of all the info and posts I’ve read on here, very inspirational!!! But if anyone has any views on what might be happening to me, I would very much welcome them.
Bel xx

Hi belaurdan

Welcome to the forums, I’m sure other users will be along to support you soon.

You may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000 lines are open again in the mornng and normal opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 – 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator

Sorry you find yourself in our special club. I can’t help you about the deeper biopsy as am useless at all things medical.
Until you know exactly what you are dealing with, you just have to ride it out. And the only way to do that is to surround yourself with family and friends, keep busy, divert those thoughts from wandering around.

this is a wonderful site but don’t read all the topics as you don’t know what applies to you. Yet, I mean.
i find the inspirational stories the best to read whilst you are playing the waiting game.
wishing you all the very best

Hi Belaurdan. l had a biopsy that was inconclusive so had to have a deeper one to see if there was any cancer in the lump. Hopefully yours will be fine. At least they are being thorough with you, good luck and stay strong xxx

I agree with Rara, it is difficult to know until you know what you are dealing with, some people say the Biopsys are horrible, uncomfortable maybe but there is an important end goal and that is to find out what you are dealing with. I had a very deep biopsy due to where my tumour was and am glad I did so that everything could be looked at and the right treatment plan will be put in place. You are on the right site to get lots of support from people in your situation so like me and being new to here use all the help you can get. Belaurdan take care of yourself and wishing you all the best. Meg x

Hi belaurdan

I’m not sure about the deeper biopsy but I think there must have been something suspicious-looking on the mammogram. At least the clinic is being very thorough.

You sound a very positive person and, if it does turn out to be “something”, you’ll be fine dealing with it.

Like you, I find some of the ladies on here truly inspirational.

Maggie xx

Thanks ladies for your replies, when I had the second biopsy done the dr said she’d got rid of the lump using a vacumn biopsy and thought it unlikely that anything else would need doing. Got an appt tomorrow to see a surgeon!! Obviously something needs doing!! Oh well onwards and upwards…Chapter 3.

Hi Belaurden
I also cannot help with more info on what might be happening to you. Unfortunately (or is it fortunately?) it it very different for everyone. Until your medical team has all the details in front of them, it is anyone’s guess. As others said, they are being thorough and making sure they can rule out anything untowards. It is the waiting and the yo-yo thoughts that drives one crazy! I am also still waiting to hear after something was picked up in my very first ever mammogram in June. So I just wanted to reassure you that you are not alone and that you are in the right place to talk about the questions you may have. Hearing from others in a similar situation has been very encouraging to me and I hope it will be to you too.