Hi All

I was diagnosed with breast cancer last summer at 48 and finished my treatment just before Christmas, I have found it more difficult since the treatment finished and the side effects of Tamoxifen affect my day to day life, with hot flushes and mood swings.  With a busy family that still look to me to keep things going it can be exhausting trying to be ‘normal’.  They find it hard to understand why I’m not celebrating getting through it all.  Its so reassuring so read your introductions and know we are all going through something similar.

Hello Liz

very much the same for me but I‘m a little further ahead from you.  I finished my treatment a year ago.  It really takes time.  My experience was once treatment was finished, my family no longer needed to think about the cancer diagnosis but I was still recovering physically and mentally.  Am also taking tamoxifen.  I felt it remained by my side for some time …… it’s still a part of me but no longer so prominent.  It all takes time and should be given time.   I‘ve worked really hard on my mental approach as I don’t want to be a survivor, I want to return to embracing life and living it.

Wishing you all the very best with your onward journey. X