Hi there, I m in the Plymouth area, being treated at Derriford hospital, had right mastectomy in April this year, now going for FEC chemo x 6, then rads. Dreaded chemo starts next Tuesday! Wld be nice to hear or poss. have a coffee with anyone going thru the same thing, as I dont really have alot of support, think I must have something catching! Am looking at reconstruction, but seems to be a bit scarey! Wld be great to hear from anyone in Devon/Cornwall, cheers, Lizzy.
Hi Lizzy, I’m up on the moors. Had bilateral mx in March at Derriford, now in the lucky position of no more tx but would be happy to meet up for coffee sometime.
Lynne xx
Hi Lizzy,
I’m 44 and in West Cornwall. Had a wle in April and started chemo 9th June ( 6x TAC have done 2 so far) then radiotherapy to follow in October. I was lucky to have “therapeutic mammoplasty” (aka boob job)at the same time as my excision, but it’s starting to look as though it’ll need tidying up when everything’s settled down.
Sounds as though we are going through it at the same time. Feel free to message me if you like.