Hi Cherry
Hi Cherry Hi Cherry
Hope you got on ok today with your check up and mamogram results.
You got anything nice planned for the Bank Holiday?
Take care
Lesley xx
Hi Lesley Just back from surgeon.Mammo was ok .He insisted on shoving the report under my nose and the word MALIGNANCY leapt off the page- I nearly wet myself (sorry)-but what it said was “no malignancy identified.” When he was examining me, he asked if I’d lost weight-no, put a bit on infact. We both agreed that my butchered boob had shrunk. He gave it a medical name , but essentially it was to do with the blood vessels atrophying due to the radiotherapy.I should have kept my trap shut at this point ,but I said one of my ribs seemed a bit prominent. A mask of concern enveloped his face and he started grappling with my collar bone. I nearly freaked and told him I thought it had always been like that since surgery but was now a bit more obvious because of the boob shrinkage-then made my escape as quickly as poss.
One thing though was he said you only get mammo’s for 10 years then you go back on routine re-call. I said that should I survive 10 years (waited for words of reassurance-none came!) , then I would want to carry on with annual mammo’s. Umm.
Half term begins tomorrow (whopee). My son has exams starting and I’ve promised to take my daughter shopping in Oxford Street sometime next week. What about you?-you must have something more exciting planned than me!!