Hi everyone, new here

Hi ladies
Just wanted to say hi to everyone as new to this forum. I have recently been diagnosed with secondary breast cancer, lung mets to be precise, not the greatest news or prognosis ! Nine weeks ago i underwent recontstruction, with tummy tuck and was so happy with my new body, then got the rubbish news of the lung mets. Still healing on the reconstruction site as had wound breakdown and due to start chemo in the next few weeks, oh the joy of knowing what to expect lol sorry but laughter is a great way of dealing with it all, keeps me sane, anyone else feel that way ? PMA is a good thing though.
Anyone else been diagnosed with Lung mets that has outlived the expectations ? be nice to chat with others that are in the same situation as me
take care to you all
Sue xx

Hello Sue and welcome, you’ll find good support from the other secondaries girls here.
There are plenty of others with lung mets, and some good stories around. I was diagnosed with liver & lung mets alongside primary and have had a good response to treatment (see my profile for details).
There’s a lung mets thread here breastcancercare.org.uk/community/forums/lung-mets-please-join.
I also found the live chat on a Tues eve helpful as I was coming to terms with it, and it’s worth having a look in the secondaries meet ups section on the left to see if there is a group in your area.
Best wishes, Sarah

Thank you Sarah