Hi everyone

I’ve been looking to join a forum for a while. I cant find any for 2 types of cancer so I hope you don’t mind me posting here.

My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer in June and has since had 4 very successful chemotherapy sessions. Her lump was originally 2cm, now it’s shrunk to the size of a pin head. She is the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. Not once has she let it get her down. She was hospitalized for 5 days after the first chemo but it turns out it was a bad wisdom tooth that had caused an infection, she’s since had it removed and been fine. She has a op at the end of this month followed by 6 weeks of radiotherapy. She’s remained positive all the way though, except for last week. We always though she’d have a lumpectomy but it turns out she having over half of her breast removed. This had knocked her for six and I can see her sinking into depression, but I don’t know what to do to help her.

Unfortunalty my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer 3 weeks ago. He’s been ill for some time but he’s the kind of person who - if you had a headache, he had a migraine, kwim? so we thought he was ‘sympathising’ with mum. It wasn’t until a couple of months ago we noticed how ill he was and forced him to see a dr. He’s very very poorly now, he’s lost over 7 stone and is bed bound. We’re finding out next week the results of his biopsy, and if there’s anything the drs can do to help him. We already know the cancers started spreading and each day he’s getting weaker and weaker. I spoke to my brother who lives over 100 miles away last week to tell him how bad things are. I don’t think he believed me because he saw dad 2 months ago and he looked fine. My brother came to visit last night and he was heartbroken at the sight of dad.

I would love to chat with anyone out there who’s dealing with cancer too.

Hi Flossy,

So sorry you find yourself in this situation but, as I’m the patient rather than the carer, I’m not sure I can help you except to recommend you join Macmillan cancer support. Macmillan have lots of carers as members and I’m sure they would be willing to help.

Best wishes,