Hi Everyone

Hi everyone,

Ive just joined, Ive got secondary BC in my lung, Its my second lot of chemotheray, had the first lot 11 years ago, it was a hell of a lot worse back then..Got my 5th docetaxol next Friday and Im worried that its not working as Im having a bit of pain in my lung. Ive done really well so far and Im a really positive person but it`s niggling me…

Hi,Joanna,so sorry. I can’t help you with any advice on your chemo(haven’t had it yet as got primary &secondary diagnosis together)
There are lots of lovely ladies on here that can give you advise.
Any treatment is scary and we all have that niggling feeling so you are not alone.sometimes the extra pain is the treatment working,something called tumour flare .
Take care and huge hug,Helen xx

Thanks Helen xx


Dear joanna,

Welcome to the BCC forum where I’m sure you will find a lot of support from fellow members.

As well as the support on here you could also give our helpline a call for information and support.  The opening times are 9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays.  The number is 0808 800 6000

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Thank you Janet x

Hi joanna, I’m sorry you have to join us, after eleven years it must have been quite a shock to receive your secondary diagnosis. I haven’t had Docetaxol but just posting to say, the same as Helen, sometimes pains are good pains. I was having pains where I know I have cancer during my last lot of chemo and it was due to the secondaries getting smaller. Have you had any feedback from your bloods as to whether your chemo is working? I would have thought your Onc would probably have stopped you well before 5 cycles if your treatment wasn’t working. Do keep in touch, we are a supportive group. belinda.

Hi Joanna just wanted to say hello. I can’t help with question. I m sure there are lots of people out there who can help.
Hugs Mara

You might like to look to see if there is a get together in your area so you can have others to talk to face to face.  forum.breastcancercare.org.uk/t5/Events-campaigns-and-meet-ups/ct-p/local_meets


I am hoping to make my first meet up of others in this area which is taking place on Friday, 8 November in Winchester.

I`ve got onc tomorrow, had a scan last Friday so hopefully the treatment is working and they will carry on with the docetaxol on Friday, fingers crossed!lets hope the pain is the chemo working, thanks everyone for your replies x