hi, for my mum

my mum had a full left masectomy in june. followed my a course of radiotherapy (double dosage) for four weeks. this finished beginning of september. We were told she would continue to get sorer before getting better as it continues to cook, but were told by christmas she would feel alot less sore. My mum is still very tender on her scar, around her side and on her back. she can barely touch it. she is also having trouble sleeping again as laying down she cannot move due to the pain. is this normal or should she go back to the hospital?thanks for any help

I am sorry that your mum is not too comfortable at the moment. Does she take painkillers for the immediate relief?

I suggest that she goes straight to the GP/hospital and explain the situation in terms of not being able to relax, sleep or move etc.,

It must be awful not to have a good nights sleep on top of everything else she must endure.

What a wonderful daughter you are too for helping your mum at such a difficult time. She must be very glad to have you.

Your mum should not have to put up with the pain and the soreness when there are solutions out there. This is a horrible disease and I am afraid people do suffer quite badly at times and such brave people they are. Lets find something to help your mum and that means speak to GP/hospital nurse asap.

God bless and I wish your mum and your family a peaceful and happy year, pain free in the sunshine.

thanks for the help.im going to get her to ring the breast care nurses to see if they can help. sometimes i think she tries to be to brave.