Hi I’m new

Hi everyone, I am new to this forum & breast cancer. I have been diagnosed following a routine mammogram & very quickly had surgery a lumpectomy (4 weeks later). I went for follow up & lab results yesterday & was told that although the cancer has been removed with clear margins, one of the four lymph nodes that had been removed had cancer cells. Now it is CT & bone scans & more surgery to remove more lymph nodes. I have anxiety disorder & although I got through the first four week using the methods learned through CBT therapy I am struggling now more with the unknowns. I am asking my GP for help today to try to keep the anxiety to a manageable level. Has anyone gone or is going through the same?

Hi @Frodo , I hope you find our Forum useful, and other members’ stories helpful.

If you ever feel like you’d like to chat things through on the phone with our team of breast care nurses, you can reach us on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm).

Sending warmth and positive energy your way



Are you still on the site?

I have the same diagnosis as you and was wondering how your scan results went?

I’m waiting for the results of a CT scan and am not coping very well at all.

Much kindness 


Hi, I am new to this sight too.

I am very much like you, but had a mastectomy, and they found lymph nodes with cancer. Have been though all the CT scans and bone scan etc, and just had a Hickman line put in last week , ready for chemo.

I feel a bit overwhelmed by it all…and at no point has any professional asked ’ how are you’I understand they are doing a job to save my life, and I am very grateful.

I can’t help feeling a bit of a number though.

I was given a breast care nurse, but haven’t had any contact from her , since she rang to ask what reconstruction I wanted.

I do talk to my family, but they don’t understand the trauma you go through, and I don’t feel I can tell them this.

I’m not calling this a journey, as I have definitely had better ones! So I’m calling it my rollercoaster ride…the one you get on but didn’t realise how frightening it would be.