Just found this site and have had a read. So i thought i would say hi
i found a lump a few months ago and stupidly ignored it.
Anyway i finally got around to arranging a mammagrame which i had on Tuesday i also had a ultrscan.
The findings of both have lend them to arrange a sterotactic biopsy next thursday !!
I have the results of the mammograme and ultrasound but im even more confused now.
bilaterla fatty parenchyma pattern.
At the rt UOQ there are three asymmetric desities associated with microcalcifications in a liners distribution ( a mag view was performed)
corresponding to the mammographic finding at the rt uog there is an ill defined area of architectural distortion 6.9 x 8.7mm.on sonoelastography is score III with some areas without strain.
No pathological supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes seen.
No sinister masses noted
BIRADS 4 suspicious findings
Any one shed some light on all that. Because ive been looking on the internet and ive scread myself half to death