Hi new here

Hi Karen,
Welcome. That sounds fuinny to me to say that. What I mean is welcome to a friendly and supportive enviroment. I am fairly new too. I was dignosed just recently and I am having surgery in a few weeks. At the moment I am busying myself with tests etc. How are you?

Hiya Karen,

‘welcome’. You will find we’re a v.friendly bunch here (if I don’t mind saying so myself! LOL!). I hope you find this site as invaluable as I have since diagnosed in March,

Take care,


Hi Karen and welcome,

I’m fairly new here as well. I was diagnosed in May, surgery in June, chemo started last Tuesday. Phew!

It’s a great place with loads of invaluable knowledge and experiences, you’re not alone.

Take care


sorry girls…i’ve posted this on wrong site…had found a new one i was having a go at trying out…obviously got completely confused…nothing new there!!!..i’m not new to this site…unfortunately…[meant in the best possible way]…nice to know you give everyone such a warm welcome though.


Hi Karen,
Im new too! So far finding the site invaluable and comforting. I check in a few times a day. Good luck with your treatments.

Love, Malan x