Hi... Recently diagnosed with BC ?

Hi everyone, just thought I’d introduce my self…

I went for my 1st routine mammogram (I’d ignored the previous invites…only went as I was so shocked that my 30 yo niece had developed breast cancer!)


-was called back to the Breast clinic for further tests/biopsys/lymph node tests and was told on 21st August I had breast cancer and would need a lumpectomy…to say I was shocked is an understatement! 

I was advised I would need an MRI which I had before we went on holiday… 

I didn’t receive any info at all from the hospital which nearly drove me to drink! I was so fragile! It was a very, very long 3+1/2 weeks not knowing what was going on or what was going to happen!


I rang the hospital on the day we got back from holiday to see where I was up to with regards to appointments and was asked to go in to see them on Friday 14th September -the results from my MRI showed that the cancer had spread in little “off-shoots” 5 cm’s from the primary tumour and I would need a mastectomy… I definitely wasn’t expecting that news! 

It was another shock obviously and I was upset…but after a while I suddenly felt remarkably calm, maybe too calm… Maybe it was because I finally had info about my treatment, I really don’t know…but I’ve been “calm” ever since (apart from the odd little tear!) I’m sure there’ll be a few blips along my journey but for now I’m loving the “calm” feeling in my head!


-I have to have several scans this coming week, appointment with my oncologist the following week, 18 weeks of chemo, then mastectomy and lymph nodes removed and then radiotherapy! ?


And now I appear to be waffling… I’ve lost the ability to think straight or remember anything but gained the ability to waffle!! 


Thanks for “listening” x ??


Hello Aneeebel,

Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but so glad you decided to go for a mammogram! It will all seem to daunting for now, but it sounds like your medical team have a solid plan set out for you, which should help to put your mind at ease.

I’m 31 and was diagnosed in July. This forum has been so useful and supportive for me, I hope you’ll find it to be just as helpful! There’s always someone here to chat to and offer a shoulder.


Caroline xx

Hi Aneeebel,
Welcome, although of course you’d rather not be here. As you say, the uncertainty is always worse than the reality & we’ve all been there. It does feel better when we know what we’re dealing with.
Getting a diagnosis is a huge shock, so it’s quite normal to feel all over the place, including feeling calm! So, just go with it.
As Caroline says, do come & chat or vent whenever you need to, between us all we’ve been through all that bc can throw at us.
ann x

Hi Aneeebel, Sorry you find yourself here.  It’s the club none of us wanted to join but here we are helping each other get through all of this cancer stuff.  I think you just need to work through the emotions as they appear.  It normal for your feelings to swing all over the place.  I found detachment was a protective emotion from diagnosis until the end of treatment and I didn’t really cry until I finished treatment.  I don’t think its easy to cope with the enormity of what you’ve been served in life so if you are feeling calm, just keep plodding along like that.  I had a mastectomy last November and it is a very hard thing to get your head around but I focussed on letting go of something bad to stay alive rather than losing something good.  I kept listening to the song “better in time” by Leona Lewis just before my mx and somehow that helped me.  There are many options for reconstruction and I have my appointment next week to discuss my delayed recon.  Come on here to rant, waffle or whatever you need to offload away from your loved ones as we understand.  Once your treatment plan is in place you can join the “going through treatment” threads to chat with others going through the same.  I found this really helpful and I’ve met up with my chemo buddies and we still keep in touch.  Here’s my story which you may find some comfort from as well as some useful tips:  lifeafterlola.com  Best wishes. xxxx

Yes, they will! They’re adults, 32+36 but they’re still my babies and it’s still scary! ?

Aneeebel, my “kids” are also adult kids! ? x

Hi All

I would like to thank you all for your threads, I was diagnosed with bc 15/08/18 it is invasive lobular cancer of r

the left breast and in my lymph.  I have been reading your threads for l ast few weeks and felt they have really helped… I’m not the only one. My surgery is the day after tomorrow 18/09/18 mx, recon and lobe clearance. I am keeping positive have very supportive partner , 3 grown up children and 10 grandchildren so lots to be thankful for, unsure of following treatment, taking each  step at a time, think too much to deal with otherwise tiny steps.  Results clinic 26/09/18 so we shall see…Thank you again…


 virtual hugs ?

Hi Bazzies
I was diagnosed on 21/08/18 so I’m at a similar stage as you -diagnosis wise -I have to have 18 weeks chemo before my surgery!
Hope all goes well with your op… will be thinking about you x ?

Hi Anneebel, you are welcome to waffle all you like! Been there, done that, got a lumpy boob to prove it. We all have our own ways of coping, be it detachment, black humour, crying, aggression. I’m sure that at some time we have cycled through them all. Whatever gets you through will do. Loads of help on here when you need it. No ones going to tell you it’s an easy journey,  but , we will tell you it’s doable because we’ve all done it. So…big hugs and good luck to you. ? X

Hi Aneeebel thanks for sharing your story wow I’m sure that holiday was one you won’t forget however as you say you now have a plan and know what your journey is going to be. I’m still waiting it’s early days from my biopsy I wish you well and look forward to hearing from you. Hugs going your way ?

Hi Anaabel,
Goodluck with your chemo, i’ve now got appointment 8th Oct to see Oncologist. It’s actually lovely just to have 10 days with no hospital visits, sort of feeling like I spend more time there than home. still ops done and i’m recovering nicely, be grateful to get a good nights sleep, can’t remember last time that happened ? keep in touch with how treatment goes, op etc lots of ?