Hi Sixpen

Hi Sixpen,
I noticed on another thread that you just had your oophorectomy! Well done for getting that over with. How was it? How do you feel now?
Hope you’re not too uncomfortable and making the most of the sympathy - lots of cups of tea and meals brought to you, flowers and chocs - I hope.
Love Jacquie

Hi Jacquie

Thanks for the post!!

Yes, I had my oophwotsit on Thursday - in at 7.30 am, operating theatre at 9, back on ward at 11, home by 7.30 pm - not bad going hey???
I dont think that they normally let people out on the same day - but the Sister said it is mind over matter and knew that I didnt want to stay in!!

I’m not really one for painkillers so am surviving on paracetamol and must admit that I could do with a bit more than that!!

The worst bit is my belly button!! Where they pump carbon dioxide gas in to you!! The other 3 scars are not giving me any concern. My stomach was very swollen yesterday but has starting receding again now.

Hubby is doing his best - and yes, I am being waited on but its so hard. I said to DM1968 earlier, that I couldnt be a man!!! Its hard work doing nothing!!! Its also so difficult not picking the baby up but I darent risk it!!

Due to boney mets and just in case in the future, I had a stair lift fitted the other week - hubby keeps insisting that I use it!!! So not me!!!

As yet, I havent got an appointment with Onc but my next BishBosh is 6th May - and they run clinic at the same time, so I’ll be pestering then about changing my tabs from Tamoxifen!! Roll on some stability!!!

Anyway, I’ve waffled now…sorry

Take care

Love Anne xx

Hi Anne

You sound like your nearly back on your feet so quick!! Soory I didnt know you were going in for your ooomp, glad your feeling well

Take care, and let your hubby do all the housework, infact make a big mess to keep him busy!!!

Sue xx

Hehe! I’ve been trying to make a mess - you know, leaving things on the kitchen worktops instead of putting them in the bin, plates on the side instead of in the dishwasher etc etc just like he does for me!!! LOL

Thanks, Sue

Anne xx

Hi Anne,
Glad you were home quickly and you’re recovering. I loved your comment ‘I couldnt be a man!!! Its hard work doing nothing!!!’ Spot on.
Enjoy the reat while you can - with a baby there’s not a lot of it,
love Jacquie

Hi Anne,

Glad eveything went well. A stair lift? Blimey, how are you getting on with that? I had a bath board delivered the other day but haven’t used it yet and then you go and top trump me with a stairlift?!

Hopefully I will stay awake for live chat tonight.

Angee xxx


Thought would jump in on this thread and add my twopenneth. Wow stair lift, reckon you are getting lazy sixpen (how come everytime I write sixpen, I type sizpen and have to amend!!!). Only kidding though, prob come in very handy in future, and I bet little Kyran will love it when he is bigger.

Angee a bath board, now that one I have not heard of. I think some days I could do with stair lift though and kids would enjoy too.

But seriously, Anne hope you feeling heaps better from when spoke last to you and that the recovery is going well. Same for you too Angee hope you feeling good after your op.

Take care and hope to catch up with you both very soon either here or elsewhere. YKWIM!!!

Take care

Hello Partner-in-Crime, Angee!!!

I’ve missed you!!! Scarey Sixpen stirkes again!!! Set your alarm clock for tonight!!!

Stair-lift was a pain to be honest! It hurt me more to sit down on it and get off again, than it did to walk the stairs!!!

I had mega-deliveries from Social Services just after dx - electric bed riser, bed rail (that you hoist yourself up on), perching stool, frame for around the toilet, grabbers, litter pickers, shoe horn. Taking delivery of them scared the sh!t out of me at the time - cos the contract was for 12 months!!! But now I realise this is the done thing and they will be renewed after 12 months.

Actually, have just remembered that they want to come and do a service on them!!! Must make that appointment!!

Well, my stitches should have dissolved - but alas, they were still there and intact!
Wes has just had the scissors and tweezers on them - I survived it!! I am such a wimp!!
Surgeon only likes them to be in for 48 hours and as it is now 5 days…they had to come out!!

Hope to catch you later

Love Anne xx

Just to say I’m glad to hear you’re doing ok after your surgery and am writing to wish you well. I have “met” you a few times on the live chat.

Take care,


Hi Anne

Thank you for your message.

I must admit that it confuses me sometimes - 2 Annes and both with 'e’s - its a good job that I’m Sixpen!!! Hehe!

Catch you later if you are about

Anne xx

Hi Anne, (its like I’m writing to myself!)
Sorry didn’t make Livechat last night - was feeling really exhausted and a bit down with chemo again today but watched a funny DVD with my husband instead which cheered me up. I slept really well last night so feel a lot better today - sleep deprivation can really muck you about as I’m sure you must know with having your baby!

Hope you’re still doing ok with your recovery and not in too much pain. How are you doing with the stairlift?

Take care,

Anne xx

Hi Anne,

Isn’t it great that you have your own thread?! I have been a bit quiet recently as I am still not feeling very well. I had such a bad headache on Tuesday I couldn’t keep up with live chat.I went straight to bed and had an awful day yesterday being sick. Going for bishbosh tomorrow so will have a chat with Dr. Hope to be back to usual partner in crime standard soon!

Angee xxxxxx

Oh Angee, I’m sorry to hear you were feeling so yuck. Wonder what did that? This whole disease is a bit of a mystery isn’t it?
Been to London to meet the ‘liver birds’ today. It was soooo lovely to meet up again, and meet Tracy and Jayne too. Amazing how you can just sit still and talk non-stop for several hours without looking up, isn’t it? (Well, except for to order the next drink/lunch/chocolate pudding!)
Expect the others have all done the sensible thing and gone to get ready for an early night, but I just can’t resist a quick visit on here.
Hope everyone’s doing OK
love Jacquie x

Hi Anne,

couldnt find the other thread, but just wanted to tell you that YES it was your cold cap machine that I strapped my bonse into last week and it has been the one Ive used LOADS over the last 5 years!!! What a coincidence you are responsible for my lovely long locks stayin put - cant believe it thank you!!!

Off again this avvie to visit your machine!!!

Sue xxxx

Wahey!!! My claim to fame!!! :slight_smile:

It’s lovely to know that it is being used - and by someone that I cyber-know!!! :slight_smile:

Good Luck with the treatment!!!

Love Anne xx