
Had round 1 of fec monday 14th November. Been up and down and on filgastrim which I think is now upsetting my stomach. Feel generally spaced out. How is everyone else?

Hi snail888

Welcome to the boards where no-one really wishes to be, but be assured you will soon feel right at home. Everyone here has their own tips, ideas and suggestions on how to cope with various issues and we all understand when you feel down or annoyed.

For me, filgastrim gave me aches and pains in my back and on occasion elsewhere. I can identify with the upset stomach as if you have been given other medication such as ondanestron or lansaprazole or indeed anything else then it tended to make things such as heartburn worse. We are all different and all experience different side effects. I found it easier to live without Lansaprazole and as result need less Gaviscon so it’s all a matter of trying what works for you.

Be prepared for the fact that all this treatment will every now and again send you a curve ball usually just when you begin to feel like your old self - the other sunday I was so fatigued that I spent the day watching back to back episodes of The Crown!! 

My pre chemo bloods are due tomorrow for FEC-T round 3 on Tuesday - which will be Hump Day!! Half way through the course!!


Thanks swampy. I’m. Thinking it was the lanzaprozole so I’m going to try without it today and see how I cope. X